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A city-scale turbulence-resolving model as an essential element of integrated urban services
Urban Climate ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102059
Igor Esau , Michal Belda , Victoria Miles , Jan Geletič , Jaroslav Resler , Pavel Krč , Petra Bauerová , Martin Bureš , Kryštof Eben , Vladimír Fuka , Radek Jareš , Jan Karel , Josef Keder , William Patiño , Lasse H. Pettersson , Jelena Radović , Hynek Řezníček , Adriana Šindelářová , Ondřej Vlček

Large-eddy simulation (LES) models, such as the PALM modeling system in this study, are actively used for urban micro-climate modeling. We consider urban LES in a broader context as a mature high-resolution model for integrated urban services (IUS), which is an initiative of the World Meteorological Organization that provides a modeling component for urban decision-support systems. A decision-support system requires iterations of quantitative information from knowledge providers and qualitative expert assessments from communities of practice. We present two pilot PALM-aided IUS from the “Turbulent-resolving urban modeling of air quality and thermal comfort” (TURBAN) project. One pilot has its focus on an air quality service contributing to a decision-support system of the port of Bergen, Norway. Another pilot contributes to air quality and thermal comfort services in the city of Prague, Czech Republic. Co-production sessions with stakeholders identified critical enablers for urban LES in IUS. We present integration and interpretation of the modeling information within the decision-making process with a “storylines and simulations” (SAS) approach based on a web-based geoinformation system (WebGIS).



大涡模拟 (LES) 模型,例如本研究中的 PALM 建模系统,被积极用于城市微气候建模。我们在更广泛的背景下将城市 LES 视为综合城市服务 (IUS) 的成熟高分辨率模型,这是世界气象组织的一项倡议,为城市决策支持系统提供建模组件。决策支持系统需要来自知识提供者的定量信息迭代和来自实践社区的定性专家评估。我们介绍了来自“空气质量和热舒适度的湍流解析城市建模”(TURBAN) 项目的两个试点 PALM 辅助 IUS。一个试点项目专注于为挪威卑尔根港的决策支持系统提供空气质量服务。另一名试点项目为捷克共和国布拉格市的空气质量和热舒适服务做出了贡献。与利益相关者的联合制作会议确定了 IUS 中城市 LES 的关键推动因素。我们使用基于基于 Web 的地理信息系统 (WebGIS) 的 “故事情节和模拟” (SAS) 方法,在决策过程中展示了建模信息的集成和解释。