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Influences of ultrasonic treatment on the physicochemical properties and microstructure of diacylglycerol-loaded emulsion stabilized with soybean protein isolate and sodium alginate
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2024.106981
Xiaoqin Diao 1 , Ying Wang 1 , Ruixin Jia 1 , Xiaodong Chen 1 , Guanhua Liu 1 , Dengyong Liu 1 , Haining Guan 1

This study examined the impacts of ultrasonic power (0, 150, 300, 450, 600, and 750 W) and ultrasonic durations (3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 min) on the physicochemical properties and microstructure of diacylglycerol (DAG)-loaded emulsions stabilized with soybean protein isolate (SPI) and sodium alginate (SA). The findings indicated that the smallest particle size, zeta potential, and contact angle for SPI-SA-DAG emulsions were respectively 5.58 μm, −49.85 mV, and 48.65°, achieved at an ultrasonic power of 450 W. The emulsification properties, loss modulus, storage modulus, and apparent viscosity of the emulsions were optimal at this power setting and at a duration of 9 min. Analytical techniques, including confocal laser scanning-, scanning electron-, and atomic force microscopy, revealed that ultrasonication significantly altered emulsion aggregation state, with the surface roughness (Rq) being minimized at 450 W. These results demonstrated that the stability of SPI-SA-DAG emulsions can be effectively enhanced by an appropriate ultrasonic treatment at 450 W for 9 min. This research provides theoretical support for the broad application of sonication techniques in the food industry.



本研究探讨了超声波功率(0、150、300、450、600 和 750 W)和超声波持续时间(3、6、9、12 和 15 分钟)对二酰甘油 (DAG) 的理化性质和微观结构的影响用大豆分离蛋白 (SPI) 和海藻酸钠 (SA) 稳定的负载乳液。结果表明,在 450 W 超声功率下,SPI-SA-DAG 乳液的最小粒径、zeta 电位和接触角分别为 5.58 μm、-49.85 mV 和 48.65°。乳液的储能模量和表观粘度在此功率设置和 9 分钟的持续时间下是最佳的。分析技术,包括共焦激光扫描、扫描电子和原子力显微镜,表明超声处理显着改变了乳液聚集状态,表面粗糙度 (Rq) 在 450 W 时最小化。这些结果表明 SPI-SA 的稳定性-450 W 9 分钟的适当超声波处理可以有效增强 DAG 乳液。该研究为超声技术在食品工业中的广泛应用提供了理论支持。