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Long-awaited evidence on back blows versus abdominal thrusts
Resuscitation ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2024.110299
Tatsuya Norii 1 , Yutaka Igarashi 2

This is a commentary on the study conducted by Dunne et al. from Alberta, Canada, which retrospectively analyzed data from patients with foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) in the region. By linking the region’s prehospital data with hospital data, the authors were able to report not only the FBAO relief of each intervention, but also patient survival outcomes and complications associated with the interventions. By analyzing the 709 patient encounters that received BLS interventions from bystanders, paramedics, or both, and adjusting for potential confounders, the study showed that abdominal thrusts and chest compressions were associated with decreased odds of FBAO relief compared to back blows as the first intervention. The commentary summarizes the study findings and discusses the importance of the study in the context of FBAO research, which has been choked for too many years.



这是对 Dunne 等人进行的研究的评论。来自加拿大阿尔伯塔省,该机构回顾性分析了该地区异物气道阻塞(FBAO)患者的数据。通过将该地区的院前数据与医院数据联系起来,作者不仅能够报告每次干预的 FBAO 缓解情况,还能够报告患者的生存结果和与干预相关的并发症。通过分析 709 名接受旁观者、护理人员或两者的 BLS 干预的患者,并调整潜在的混杂因素,该研究表明,与作为第一种干预措施的背部打击相比,腹部推力和胸部按压与 FBAO 缓解几率降低相关。评论总结了研究结果,并讨论了该研究在 FBAO 研究的背景下的重要性,该研究已经被窒息了太多年。