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Egyptian Art in Colonized Nubia: Representing Power and Social Structure in the New Kingdom Tombs of Djehutyhotep, Hekanefer and Pennut
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-14 , DOI: 10.3390/arts13040118 Rennan Lemos 1
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-14 , DOI: 10.3390/arts13040118 Rennan Lemos 1
Monumental rock-cut tombs decorated with wall paintings or reliefs were rare in New Kingdom colonial Nubia. Exceptions include the 18th Dynasty tombs of Djehutyhotep (Debeira) and Hekanefer (Miam), and the 20th Dynasty tomb of Pennut (Aniba). The three tombs present typical Egyptian artistic representations and inscriptions, which include tomb owners and their families, but also those living under their direct control. This paper compares the artistic and architectural features of these decorated, monumental rock-cut tombs in light of the archaeological record of the regions in which they were located in order to contextualize art within its social setting in colonized Nubia. More than expressing cultural and religious affiliations in the colony, art seems to have been essentially used as a tool to enforce hierarchization and power, and to define the borders of the uppermost elite social spaces in New Kingdom colonial Nubia.
在新王国殖民地努比亚,装饰有壁画或浮雕的巨大岩石墓葬是罕见的。例外情况包括第 18 王朝的 Djehutyhotep(德贝拉)和 Hekanefer(迈阿密)陵墓,以及第 20 王朝的 Pennut(阿尼巴)陵墓。三座坟墓呈现出典型的埃及艺术表现和铭文,其中包括坟墓主人及其家人,也包括那些生活在他们直接控制下的人。本文根据这些装饰性的、巨大的石刻坟墓所在地区的考古记录,比较了这些坟墓的艺术和建筑特征,以便将艺术置于殖民努比亚的社会环境中。艺术不仅表达了殖民地的文化和宗教信仰,而且似乎基本上被用作加强等级制度和权力的工具,并界定新王国殖民地努比亚最上层精英社会空间的边界。
在新王国殖民地努比亚,装饰有壁画或浮雕的巨大岩石墓葬是罕见的。例外情况包括第 18 王朝的 Djehutyhotep(德贝拉)和 Hekanefer(迈阿密)陵墓,以及第 20 王朝的 Pennut(阿尼巴)陵墓。三座坟墓呈现出典型的埃及艺术表现和铭文,其中包括坟墓主人及其家人,也包括那些生活在他们直接控制下的人。本文根据这些装饰性的、巨大的石刻坟墓所在地区的考古记录,比较了这些坟墓的艺术和建筑特征,以便将艺术置于殖民努比亚的社会环境中。艺术不仅表达了殖民地的文化和宗教信仰,而且似乎基本上被用作加强等级制度和权力的工具,并界定新王国殖民地努比亚最上层精英社会空间的边界。