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Postcards and Emotions: Modernist Architecture in the Films of Pedro Almodóvar and Woody Allen
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-14 , DOI: 10.3390/arts13040119
Rubén Romero Santos 1 , Ana Mejón 1 , Begoña Herrero Bernal 1 , Carmen Ciller 1

Modernism has emerged as the preeminent iconic representation of Barcelona. However, the process through which this peculiar style has attained its iconic status is an arduous and multifaceted endeavor. This paper examines the challenges inherent in the categorization and periodization of Modernisme, followed by a succinct review of its initial filmic representations, culminating in a comprehensive analysis of two films in which Modernisme assumes a pivotal role: All About My Mother (Pedro Almodóvar 1999) and Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Woody Allen 2008). We conclude that Modernisme’s transformation into a cultural brand is largely attributable to the erosion of its ideological component in favor of a touristic and globalizing gaze.



现代主义已成为巴塞罗那卓越的标志性代表。然而,这种独特风格获得其标志性地位的过程是一项艰巨且多方面的努力。本文探讨了现代主义分类和分期所固有的挑战,随后对其最初的电影表现进行了简洁回顾,最后对现代主义发挥关键作用的两部电影进行了全面分析:《关于我母亲的一切》(Pedro Almodóvar 1999)和维基·克里斯蒂娜·巴塞罗那(伍迪·艾伦 2008)。我们的结论是,现代主义向文化品牌的转变很大程度上归因于其意识形态成分的侵蚀,转而支持旅游和全球化的目光。