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A Systematic Literature Review of Strategies Implemented in Extended Education Settings to Address Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10567-024-00494-3
Sarah Murray 1, 2 , Sonja March 1, 2, 3 , Yosheen Pillay 1, 4 , Emma-Leigh Senyard 1, 2

Mental health and wellbeing problems in middle childhood are increasing worldwide which needs more support than just clinical services. Early intervention has been explored in other settings, but not in extended education care settings such as outside school hours care (OSHC). A systematic literature review was undertaken to determine what interventions have been tested in extended education settings to address or promote emotional, behavioural, or social wellbeing in children, and to assess how effective they have been. A PRISMA guided search found seven peer reviewed articles from an initial pool of 458. Data from the articles were extracted and the mixed method appraisal tool (MMAT) was applied to assess methodological quality of the studies design, data collection, and analyses. The final selections were methodologically heterogeneous with an average MMAT quality rating of 71%. All but one of the interventions were delivered to children in small group settings and were a mix of activities. Studies that trained educators to deliver the interventions were limited and no data were collected for them. The two interventions that trained educators to deliver content to children were seen as promising. This review showed an overall paucity of research examining interventions delivered in extended education settings to improve children’s wellbeing. Given variations in extended education services and the absence of formal qualifications required for educators, further research is needed to understand what interventions may be effective and what role educators could play in such interventions or in supporting children’s wellbeing in extended education.

This review protocol was prospectively registered with PROSPERO. Registration ID: CRD42023485541 on 03/12/2023.



世界范围内儿童中期的心理健康和福祉问题日益严重,需要更多的支持而不仅仅是临床服务。早期干预已在其他环境中进行过探索,但尚未在课外护理 (OSHC) 等延伸教育护理环境中进行探索。我们进行了系统的文献综述,以确定在扩展教育环境中测试了哪些干预措施来解决或促进儿童的情感、行为或社会福祉,并评估这些干预措施的有效性。 PRISMA 引导搜索从最初的 458 篇文章中发现了 7 篇同行评审文章。提取了文章中的数据,并应用混合方法评估工具 (MMAT) 来评估研究设计、数据收集和分析的方法学质量。最终的选择在方法上是异质的,平均 MMAT 质量评级为 71%。除一项干预措施外,所有干预措施均以小组形式向儿童提供,并且是多种活动的结合。培训教育工作者实施干预措施的研究很有限,也没有为他们收集数据。培训教育工作者向儿童提供内容的两项干预措施被认为是有希望的。这项审查显示,总体上缺乏对在扩展教育环境中提供的干预措施进行检查以改善儿童福祉的研究。鉴于扩展教育服务的差异以及教育工作者缺乏正式资格要求,需要进一步研究以了解哪些干预措施可能有效,以及教育工作者在此类干预措施或支持儿童在扩展教育中的福祉方面可以发挥什么作用。

该审查方案已在 PROSPERO 前瞻性注册。注册 ID:CRD42023485541,日期:2023 年 3 月 12 日。
