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Prevalence of cancer survivors in the United States
Journal of the National Cancer Institute ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-13 , DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djae135
Emily Tonorezos 1 , Theresa Devasia 1 , Angela B Mariotto 1 , Michelle A Mollica 1 , Lisa Gallicchio 1 , Paige Green 1 , Michelle Doose 1 , Rachelle Brick 1 , Brennan Streck 2 , Crystal Reed 1 , Janet S de Moor 1

Background With aging of the population and improvements in diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care, the number of cancer survivors in the United States has increased; updated prevalence estimates are needed. Methods Cancer prevalence on January 1, 2022, was estimated using the Prevalence Incidence Approach Model, utilizing incidence, survival, and mortality. Prevalence by age decade, sex, and time from diagnosis was calculated. The percentage of cancer survivors in the projected US population by age and sex was calculated as the ratio of the sex-specific projected prevalence to the sex-specific projected US population. Results There were an estimated 18.1 million US cancer survivors as of January 1, 2022. From 2022 to 2030, the number of US cancer survivors is projected to increase to 21.6 million; by 2040, the number is projected to be 26 million. Long-term survivors are highly prevalent; in 2022, 70% of cancer survivors had lived 5 years or more after diagnosis, and 11% of cancer survivors had lived 25 years or more after diagnosis. Among all US females aged 40-54 years, 3.6% were cancer survivors; among females aged 65-74 years, 14.5% were cancer survivors; among females aged 85 years and older, 36.4% were cancer survivors. Among all US males aged 40-54 years, 2.1% were cancer survivors; among males aged 65-74 years, 16% were cancer survivors; and among those aged 85 years and older, 48.3% were cancer survivors. Conclusions Cancer survivors are growing in number. In the United States, most cancer survivors are long-term and very long-term survivors, representing a substantial proportion of the US population.



背景 随着人口老龄化以及诊断、治疗和支持性护理的改进,美国癌症幸存者的数量有所增加;需要更新患病率估计值。方法 使用患病率发病率方法模型,利用发病率、生存率和死亡率来估计 2022 年 1 月 1 日的癌症患病率。按年龄、性别和诊断时间计算患病率。按年龄和性别划分的美国预计人口中癌症幸存者的百分比计算为特定性别的预计患病率与特定性别的预计美国人口的比率。结果 截至 2022 年 1 月 1 日,美国癌症幸存者估计为 1810 万人。从 2022 年到 2030 年,美国癌症幸存者人数预计将增加到 2160 万人;到 2040 年,这一数字预计将达到 2600 万。长期幸存者非常普遍;到2022年,70%的癌症幸存者在诊断后存活了5年或更长,11%的癌症幸存者在诊断后存活了25年或更长。在所有 40-54 岁的美国女性中,3.6% 是癌症幸存者;在65-74岁的女性中,14.5%是癌症幸存者;在85岁及以上的女性中,36.4%是癌症幸存者。在所有 40-54 岁的美国男性中,2.1% 是癌症幸存者;在65-74岁的男性中,16%是癌症幸存者;在85岁及以上的老年人中,48.3%是癌症幸存者。结论 癌症幸存者的数量正在增加。在美国,大多数癌症幸存者都是长期和超长期幸存者,占美国人口的很大一部分。