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Forecasting daily total pollen concentrations on a global scale
Allergy ( IF 12.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-12 , DOI: 10.1111/all.16227
László Makra 1 , Luca Coviello 2, 3 , Andrea Gobbi 4 , Giuseppe Jurman 4 , Cesare Furlanello 5, 6 , Mauro Brunato 7 , Lewis H Ziska 8 , Jeremy J Hess 9 , Athanasios Damialis 10 , Maria Pilar Plaza Garcia 11 , Gábor Tusnády 12 , Lilit Czibolya 1 , István Ihász 13 , Áron József Deák 1 , Edit Mikó 14 , Zita Dorner 15 , Susan K Harry 16 , Nicolas Bruffaerts 17 , Ann Packeu 17 , Annika Saarto 18 , Linnea Toiviainen 18 , Maria Louna-Korteniemi 18 , Sanna Pätsi 18 , Michel Thibaudon 19 , Gilles Oliver 19 , Athanasios Charalampopoulos 10 , Despoina Vokou 10 , Ewa Maria Przedpelska-Wasowicz 20 , Ellý Renée Guðjohnsen 20 , Maira Bonini 21 , Sevcan Celenk 22 , Cumali Ozaslan 23 , Jae-Won Oh 24 , Krista Sullivan 25 , Linda Ford 26 , Michelle Kelly 26 , Estelle Levetin 27 , Dorota Myszkowska 28 , Elena Severova 29 , Regula Gehrig 30 , María Del Carmen Calderón-Ezquerro 31 , César Guerrero Guerra 31 , Manuel Andres Leiva-Guzmán 32 , Germán Darío Ramón 33 , Laura Beatriz Barrionuevo 34 , Jonny Peter 35 , Dilys Berman 36 , Connie H Katelaris 37 , Janet M Davies 38, 39 , Pamela Burton 40 , Paul J Beggs 41 , Sandra María Vergamini 42 , Rosa María Valencia-Barrera 43 , Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann 44, 45, 46

BackgroundThere is evidence that global anthropogenic climate change may be impacting floral phenology and the temporal and spatial characteristics of aero‐allergenic pollen. Given the extent of current and future climate uncertainty, there is a need to strengthen predictive pollen forecasts.MethodsThe study aims to use CatBoost (CB) and deep learning (DL) models for predicting the daily total pollen concentration up to 14 days in advance for 23 cities, covering all five continents. The model includes the projected environmental parameters, recent concentrations (1, 2 and 4 weeks), and the past environmental explanatory variables, and their future values.ResultsThe best pollen forecasts include Mexico City (R2(DL_7) ≈ .7), and Santiago (R2(DL_7) ≈ .8) for the 7th forecast day, respectively; while the weakest pollen forecasts are made for Brisbane (R2(DL_7) ≈ .4) and Seoul (R2(DL_7) ≈ .1) for the 7th forecast day. The global order of the five most important environmental variables in determining the daily total pollen concentrations is, in decreasing order: the past daily total pollen concentration, future 2 m temperature, past 2 m temperature, past soil temperature in 28–100 cm depth, and past soil temperature in 0–7 cm depth. City‐related clusters of the most similar distribution of feature importance values of the environmental variables only slightly change on consecutive forecast days for Caxias do Sul, Cape Town, Brisbane, and Mexico City, while they often change for Sydney, Santiago, and Busan.ConclusionsThis new knowledge of the ecological relationships of the most remarkable variables importance for pollen forecast models according to clusters, cities and forecast days is important for developing and improving the accuracy of airborne pollen forecasts.



背景有证据表明,全球人为气候变化可能会影响花卉物候以及气致敏花粉的时空特征。鉴于当前和未来气候不确定性的程度,有必要加强花粉预测。方法该研究旨在使用 CatBoost (CB) 和深度学习 (DL) 模型提前 14 天预测每日总花粉浓度23个城市,覆盖五大洲。该模型包括预测的环境参数、最近的浓度(1、2 和 4 周)以及过去的环境解释变量及其未来值。结果最佳花粉预测包括墨西哥城(右2 (DL_7) ≈ .7) 和圣地亚哥 (右2第 7 个预报日分别为 (DL_7) ≈ .8);而布里斯班的花粉预测最弱(右2 (DL_7) ≈ .4) 和首尔 (右2 (DL_7) ≈ .1) 第 7 个预测日。确定每日总花粉浓度的五个最重要环境​​变量的全局顺序按降序排列:过去每日总花粉浓度、未来 2 m 温度、过去 2 m 温度、过去 28-100 cm 深度土壤温度、和过去 0-7 厘米深度的土壤温度。南卡希亚斯、开普敦、布里斯班和墨西哥城的环境变量特征重要性值分布最相似的城市相关集群在连续预报日仅略有变化,而悉尼、圣地亚哥和釜山则经常变化。结论根据集群、城市和预报天数对花粉预报模型最显着变量重要性的生态关系的新认识对于开发和提高空气花粉预报的准确性非常重要。