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Thermodynamic performance assessment of a solar-driven desiccant evaporative air cooling system (SDEAC) for outdoor environments- a dynamic study
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110169
Liang Chun , Zicheng Liao , Yao Xiao , Guoqiang Wang

In this work, a novel dynamic model of a solar-driven desiccant evaporative air cooling system for outdoor environments is proposed, namely the SDEAC system. The effects of operating and designing parameters on the performance of the SDEAC system are analyzed. The results indicate that the sensible cooling capacity, the latent cooling capacity, and the COP decrease monotonically as the rotational speed of the desiccant wheel increases. When the ratio of dehumidification area to total area () is 0.5, the performance of the SDEAC system is optimal under the condition of sufficient solar radiation. The ratio of the dehumidified air flowrate to the regenerated air flowrate has a small effect on the cooling capacity but has a large effect on the COP. The SDEAC system has a higher sensible cooling capacity and total cooling capacity compared to the EAC system. Moreover, although the COP of the SDEAC is lower than that of the EAC system, it is still maintained at a relatively high level. The SDEAC system with a supply air flowrate of 670 m/h to cool the outdoor air saves about 1283∼1617 kWh of electricity and 788 kg–1139 kg of carbon emission reduction compared to a conventional vapor compression air conditioning system in different cities during the period of June to August.


室外环境太阳能驱动干燥剂蒸发空气冷却系统 (SDEAC) 的热力学性能评估 - 动态研究

在这项工作中,提出了一种用于室外环境的太阳能驱动干燥剂蒸发空气冷却系统的新型动态模型,即SDEAC系统。分析了运行和设计参数对SDEAC系统性能的影响。结果表明,随着除湿轮转速的增加,显冷量、潜冷量和COP单调下降。当除湿面积与总面积之比()为0.5时,在太阳辐射充足的情况下,SDEAC系统的性能最佳。除湿风量与再生风量之比对制冷量影响较小,但对COP影响较大。与EAC系统相比,SDEAC系统具有更高的显冷能力和总冷却能力。而且,虽然SDEAC的COP低于EAC系统,但仍维持在较高水平。 SDEAC系统以670 m/h的送风量冷却室外空气,与不同城市的传统蒸汽压缩空调系统相比,可节省约1283∼1617kWh的电力,减少碳排放788kg–1139kg。六月至八月期间。