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Use of Semi-Indirect Evaporative Cooling in HVAC systems: experimental study
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110158
Luca Socci , Javier M. Rey-Hernandez , Andrea Rocchetti , Fernando Dominguez-Muñoz , Alberto Rey-Hernandez , Francisco J. Rey-Martínez

This study investigates the application of a Semi-Indirect Evaporative Cooler (SIEC) to develop a Decarbonised Evaporative-Based Air Conditioning System (DEBACS). The research aims to show the benefit of using the SIEC in combination with a traditional Air Conditioning Unit to enhance the energy efficiency of an HVAC system. The SIEC, constructed from ceramic material, operates in both dry and wet modes. By spraying water on the inner side, it functions as an efficient air-to-air recuperator, with the ceramic material improving water distribution and device performance. The SIEC device has been experimentally tested. Tests were conducted in both dry and wet modes across three airflow rates and three temperature levels. Moreover, a simple model that describes the SIEC behaviour in general operative conditions has been derived. Results indicated that under optimal conditions (lowest supply airflow), the SIEC achieved an efficiency ratio between 50 % and 70 % in dry mode, and nearly 100 % in wet mode, with the wet mode improving efficiency ratio by 30–50 %. These findings underscore the potential of the ceramic SIEC device as an effective technology for air conditioning systems, promoting energy efficiency, compliance with EPBD standards, and significant decarbonisation in the HVAC sector.



本研究调查了半间接蒸发冷却器(SIEC)在开发脱碳蒸发空调系统(DEBACS)中的应用。该研究旨在展示将 SIEC 与传统空调装置结合使用以提高 HVAC 系统能源效率的好处。 SIEC 由陶瓷材料制成,可在干式和湿式模式下运行。通过向内侧喷水,它起到高效的空对空换热器的作用,陶瓷材料改善了水的分布和设备性能。 SIEC 装置已经过实验测试。测试在干式和湿式模式下、三种气流速率和三种温度水平下进行。此外,还导出了一个描述一般操作条件下 SIEC 行为的简单模型。结果表明,在最佳条件下(最低送风量),SIEC 在干模式下的效率在 50% 至 70% 之间,在湿模式下接近 100%,湿模式下效率提高了 30-50%。这些发现强调了陶瓷 SIEC 装置作为空调系统有效技术的潜力,可提高能源效率、遵守 EPBD 标准以及 HVAC 领域的显着脱碳。