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Distant retrograde orbit baseline generation considering solar eclipse mitigation
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.06.038
Yang Sun , Ming Wang , Hao Zhang

Mitigating solar eclipses presents a formidable challenge in the design of spacecraft orbits, particularly in the case of a distant retrograde orbit (DRO), which is susceptible to significant solar eclipse threats. This paper undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the occurrence characteristics and patterns of both Moon and Earth eclipses on a DRO. The proposed approach involves a two-stage design procedure, encompassing initial orbit selection and orbit extension. The initial orbit selection method primarily focuses on mitigating Earth eclipses by employing the out-of-plane motion inherent in a DRO. The study meticulously explores the influence of three pivotal elements — amplitude, period, and initial phase — on the efficacy of Earth eclipse avoidance. Concurrently, when faced with unavoidable solar eclipses of the initial orbit, a series of tiny maneuvers are systematically applied to extend the baseline orbit. The parameter design space is discretized, and a tree search method is employed to identify viable maneuver sequences. The research successfully achieves the long-term stabilization of the baseline DRO, ensuring that solar eclipses do not exceed 2 h in 10 years. The proposed method’s robustness and applicability are substantiated through validation under the ephemeris model.



减轻日食对航天器轨道的设计提出了巨大的挑战,特别是在遥远的逆行轨道(DRO)的情况下,它很容易受到日食的严重威胁。本文对DRO上月食和地食的发生特征和模式进行了综合分析。所提出的方法涉及两阶段设计程序,包括初始轨道选择和轨道扩展。初始轨道选择方法主要侧重于通过利用 DRO 固有的面外运动来减轻地球食。该研究细致地探讨了三个关键因素——振幅、周期和初始相位——对避免地食效果的影响。同时,当面临不可避免的初始轨道日食时,系统地应用一系列微小的机动来延长基线轨道。参数设计空间被离散化,并采用树搜索方法来识别可行的机动序列。研究成功实现了基线DRO的长期稳定,确保10年内日食不超过2小时。通过星历模型下的验证,证实了该方法的鲁棒性和适用性。