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Online Retail of Derived Psychoactive Cannabis Products: Age and Shipping Restrictions
Journal of Adolescent Health ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2024.05.004
Cassidy R LoParco 1 , Kayla K Tillett 2 , Carla J Berg 3 , Matthew E Rossheim 2

The 2018 US Farm Bill's definition of hemp resulted in the proliferation of derived psychoactive cannabis products (DPCPs), which appeal to some youth. Despite the importance of restricting youth access, few studies have systematically examined the DPCP retail environment, particularly their online accessibility. In May 2023, Google incognito mode was used to search "buy delta thc." Among the first 100 results, data were collected from the 20 most trafficked websites that sold and delivered DPCPs. For each site, we documented the following policy-relevant information: 1) age verification measures for site entry and purchase attempts, 2) adult signature reportedly required upon delivery, and 3) shipping restrictions. Overall, 14 websites (70%) required individuals to indicate their age. Most websites (n = 13, 65%) did not verify age at attempted purchase, nor indicated that an adult signature was required upon delivery (n = 15, 75%). Only three websites (15%) had rigorous age verification procedures during checkout that included contact information as well as an image of their photo ID, which would then be validated through a third-party software. None required age verification upon both purchase and delivery. Thirteen websites (65%) mentioned state shipping restrictions; four of these provided conflicting information across different sections of the website. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, clearer regulations regarding DPCP online retail sales and related enforcement are needed. In particular, measures are needed to enforce shipping restrictions and prevent youth access, including increasing the rigor of age verification.



2018 年美国农业法案对大麻的定义导致精神活性大麻衍生产品 (DPCP) 的扩散,这对一些年轻人有吸引力。尽管限制青少年接触很重要,但很少有研究系统地考察 DPCP 零售环境,特别是其在线可及性。 2023 年 5 月,谷歌隐身模式被用来搜索“buy delta thc”。在前 100 个结果中,数据是从 20 个销售和交付 DPCP 的流量最大的网站收集的。对于每个网站,我们记录了以下政策相关信息:1) 网站进入和购买尝试的年龄验证措施,2) 据报道在交货时需要成人签名,以及 3) 运输限制。总体而言,14 个网站 (70%) 要求个人表明年龄。大多数网站 (n = 13, 65%) 没有验证尝试购买时的年龄,也没有表明交付时需要成人签名 (n = 15, 75%)。只有三个网站 (15%) 在结账时有严格的年龄验证程序,其中包括联系信息以及带照片的身份证件图像,然后通过第三方软件进行验证。购买和交付时都不需要年龄验证。 13 个网站 (65%) 提到了国家运输限制;其中四个在网站的不同部分提供了相互矛盾的信息。随着电子商务格局的不断发展,需要针对 DPCP 在线零售销售和相关执法制定更明确的法规。特别是,需要采取措施实施运输限制并防止青少年进入,包括提高年龄核实的严格性。