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Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Adverse Outcomes Among Pregnant Individuals With Pregestational Diabetes in the United States, 2010-2020.
Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000005667
Timothy Wen 1 , Alexander M Friedman , Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman , Camille E Powe , Nasim C Sobhani , Gladys A Ramos , Steven Gabbe , Mark B Landon , William A Grobman , Kartik K Venkatesh

To assess the frequency of, risk factors for, and adverse outcomes associated with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at delivery hospitalization among individuals with pregestational diabetes (type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus) and secondarily to evaluate the frequency of and risk factors for antepartum and postpartum hospitalizations for DKA.


2010-2020 年美国孕前糖尿病孕妇的糖尿病酮症酸中毒和不良结局。

评估孕前糖尿病(1型和2型糖尿病)患者分娩时糖尿病酮症酸中毒(diabetic ketoacidosis, DKA)住院的频率、危险因素和不良结局,其次评估DKA产前和产后住院的频率和危险因素。