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Advances in diabetes technology to improve the lives of people with cystic fibrosis
Diabetologia ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s00125-024-06223-3
Kevin J Scully 1 , Brynn E Marks 2 , Melissa S Putman 3

People with cystic fibrosis (CF) are at risk for dysglycaemia caused by progressive beta cell dysfunction and destruction due to pancreatic exocrine disease and fibrosis. CF-related diabetes (CFRD) is a unique form of diabetes that has distinctive features from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Recent advances in diabetes technology may be of particular benefit in this population given the complex, multi-system organ involvement and challenging health issues that people with CFRD often face. This review summarises how diabetes technologies, such as continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) and insulin delivery devices: (1) have improved our understanding of CFRD, including how hyperglycaemia affects clinical outcomes in people with CF; (2) may be helpful in the screening and diagnosis of CFRD; and (3) offer promise for improving the management of CFRD and easing the burden that this diagnosis can add to an already medically complicated patient population.

Graphical Abstract



囊性纤维化 (CF) 患者面临因胰腺外分泌疾病和纤维化导致的进行性 β 细胞功能障碍和破坏而导致血糖​​异常的风险。 CF 相关糖尿病 (CFRD) 是一种独特的糖尿病形式,具有与 1 型和 2 型糖尿病不同的特征。鉴于 CFRD 患者经常面临复杂的多系统器官参与和具有挑战性的健康问题,糖尿病技术的最新进展可能对该人群特别有益。本综述总结了连续血糖监测仪 (CGM) 和胰岛素输送设备等糖尿病技术如何:(1) 提高了我们对 CFRD 的理解,包括高血糖如何影响 CF 患者的临床结果; (2)可能有助于CFRD的筛查和诊断; (3) 有望改善 CFRD 的管理,并减轻这种诊断给本来就病情复杂的患者群体带来的负担。

