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A Preview of the August Issue [From the Editor’s Desk]
IEEE Microwave Magazine ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1109/mmm.2024.3403044
Robert H. Caverly 1

Even though the date on the cover of this issue of IEEE Microwave Magazine says August 2024, as I write this column, the 2024 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is still a month away. However, I don’t think I am risking much by saying that the conference was well attended and technically (and socially) engaging, with so many activities going on that one had to use care to pick and choose the ones to attend. Knowing many members of the organizational team for IMS 2024, I know they made those choices difficult, with all of the activities planned that were outlined in the 2024 May issue of IEEE Microwave Magazine . I also know you returned from IMS refreshed and ready to dive into new microwave engineering challenges.


八月号预览 [来自编辑的办公桌]

尽管本期 IEEE 微波杂志封面上的日期显示为 2024 年 8 月,但在我撰写本专栏时,距离 2024 年国际微波研讨会 (IMS) 仍有一个月的时间。然而,我不认为我冒太大的风险说这次会议出席人数众多,并且在技术上(和社交上)参与度很高,正在进行的活动如此之多,以至于人们必须谨慎挑选参加的活动。我认识 IMS 2024 组织团队的许多成员,我知道他们让这些选择变得困难,所有计划的活动都在 IEEE 微波杂志 2024 年 5 月号中概述。我还知道您从 IMS 回来后精神焕发,准备好迎接新的微波工程挑战。