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A Tale of Two Phases: An Overview of Phase-Change Material RF Switch Technology: Sub-20-fs RON*COFF RF Switch Technology for the Mm-Wave and 5G/6G Revolutions
IEEE Microwave Magazine ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1109/mmm.2024.3403288
Nabil El-Hinnawy 1 , Gregory Slovin 1 , Kurt Moen 1 , Chris Masse 1 , David Howard 1

It was the lowest of R ON *C OFF , the highest of F CO , it was a time of unbridled optimism, it was a time of insurmountable challenge, there was knowledge of the crystalline, and ignorance of the amorphous, elegance in operation, and ugliness in reliability, there was hope with integration, yet despair with power handling, it was going to revolutionize the industry, only to disappear before it had a chance…


两个阶段的故事:相变材料射频开关技术概述:用于毫米波和 5G/6G 革命的亚 20fs RON*COFF 射频开关技术

那是R ON *C OFF 的最低,F CO 的最高,那是一个肆无忌惮的乐观的时代,那是一个难以逾越的挑战的时代,人们对晶体有了解,对非晶态一无所知,操作优雅,可靠性丑陋,对集成抱有希望,但对功率处理感到绝望,它将彻底改变整个行业,但在它出现之前就消失了。机会…