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Construing the function of N-terminal domain of D29 mycobacteriophage LysA endolysin in phage lytic efficiency and proliferation
Molecular Microbiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-12 , DOI: 10.1111/mmi.15295
Rutuja Gangakhedkar 1 , Vikas Jain 1

Endolysins produced by bacteriophages hydrolyze host cell wall peptidoglycan to release newly assembled virions. D29 mycobacteriophage specifically infects mycobacteria including the pathogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis. D29 encodes LysA endolysin, which hydrolyzes mycobacterial cell wall peptidoglycan. We previously showed that LysA harbors two catalytic domains (N-terminal domain [NTD] and lysozyme-like domain [LD]) and a C-terminal cell wall binding domain (CTD). While the importance of LD and CTD in mycobacteriophage biology has been examined in great detail, NTD has largely remained unexplored. Here, to address NTD's significance in D29 physiology, we generated NTD-deficient D29 (D29∆NTD) by deleting the NTD-coding region from D29 genome using CRISPY-BRED. We show that D29∆NTD is viable, but has a longer latent period, and a remarkably reduced burst size and plaque size. A large number of phages were found to be trapped in the host during the D29∆NTD-mediated cell lysis event. Such poor release of progeny phages during host cell lysis strongly suggests that NTD-deficient LysA produced by D29∆NTD, despite having catalytically-active LD, is unable to efficiently lyse host bacteria. We thus conclude that LysA NTD is essential for optimal release of progeny virions, thereby playing an extremely vital role in phage physiology and phage propagation in the environment.


构建 D29 分枝杆菌噬菌体 LysA 内溶素 N 端结构域在噬菌体裂解效率和增殖中的功能

噬菌体产生的内溶素水解宿主细胞壁肽聚糖,释放新组装的病毒颗粒。 D29 分枝杆菌噬菌体特异性感染分枝杆菌,包括致病性结核分枝杆菌。 D29 编码 LysA 内溶素,可水解分枝杆菌细胞壁肽聚糖。我们之前表明,LysA 具有两个催化结构域(N 端结构域 [NTD] 和溶菌酶样结构域 [LD])和一个 C 端细胞壁结合结构域 (CTD)。虽然 LD 和 CTD 在分枝杆菌噬菌体生物学中的重要性已得到详细研究,但 NTD 在很大程度上仍未得到探索。在这里,为了解决 NTD 在 D29 生理学中的重要性,我们通过使用 CRISPY-BRED 从 D29 基因组中删除 NTD 编码区,生成了 NTD 缺陷型 D29 (D29 ΔNTD )。我们证明 D29 ΔNTD是可行的,但具有较长的潜伏期,并且显着减小了爆发大小和斑块大小。在 D29 ΔNTD介导的细胞裂解事件中,发现大量噬菌体被捕获在宿主体内。宿主细胞裂解过程中子代噬菌体的​​如此差的释放强烈表明,D29 ΔNTD产生的 NTD 缺陷型 LysA 尽管具有催化活性 LD,但无法有效裂解宿主细菌。因此,我们得出结论,LysA NTD 对于子代病毒颗粒的最佳释放至关重要,从而在噬菌体生理学和噬菌体在环境中的繁殖中发挥着极其重要的作用。