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Limited Benefits of Increased Spatial Resolution for Sea Ice in HighResMIP Simulations
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-12 , DOI: 10.1029/2023gl107969
J. Selivanova 1 , D. Iovino 1 , M. Vichi 2, 3

State-of-the-art coupled climate models struggle to accurately simulate historical variability and trends of Antarctic sea ice, impacting their reliability for future projections. Increasing horizontal resolution is expected to improve the representation of coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean processes at high latitudes. Here, we examine the historical changes in the Antarctic sea ice area and volume in High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project simulations against satellite data sets and ocean reanalyzes to assess the benefits of increased spatial resolution. Our results do not show considerable benefits when horizontal resolutions up to 0.25° in the ocean and 25 km in the atmosphere. Limited improvements are reported in the simulated historical sea ice trends, which are nevertheless model-dependent, and associated with the use of model components with more complex sea-ice parameterizations. Given the high computational cost of climate-scale simulations at high spatial resolution, we advocate prioritizing enhancements in sea-ice physics and the interactions among model components in coupled climate simulations.


在 HighResMIP 模拟中提高海冰空间分辨率的好处有限

最先进的耦合气候模型难以准确模拟南极海冰的历史变化和趋势,影响了其未来预测的可靠性。增加水平分辨率有望改善高纬度地区大气-冰-海洋耦合过程的表征。在这里,我们根据卫星数据集和海洋重新分析进行高分辨率模型比对项目模拟,研究南极海冰面积和体积的历史变化,以评估提高空间分辨率的好处。当海洋中的水平分辨率高达 0.25° 和大气中的水平分辨率高达 25 公里时,我们的结果并未显示出明显的优势。据报道,模拟的历史海冰趋势的改进有限,但这些改进仍然依赖于模型,并且与使用具有更复杂的海冰参数化的模型组件相关。考虑到高空间分辨率的气候尺度模拟的计算成本很高,我们主张优先考虑增强海冰物理以及耦合气候模拟中模型组件之间的相互作用。