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Programmed alternating current optimization of Cu-catalyzed C-H bond transformations
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1126/science.ado0875
Li Zeng 1 , Qinghong Yang 1 , Jianxing Wang 1 , Xin Wang 1 , Pengjie Wang 1 , Shengchun Wang 1 , Shide Lv 1 , Shabbir Muhammad 1 , Yichang Liu 1 , Hong Yi 1 , Aiwen Lei 1, 2

Direct current (DC) electrosynthesis, which has undergone optimization over the past century, plays a pivotal role in a variety of industrial processes. Alternating current (AC) electrosynthesis, characterized by polarity reversal and periodic fluctuations, may be advantageous for multiple chemical reactions, but apparatus, principles, and application scenarios remain underdeveloped. In this work, we introduce a protocol for programmed AC (pAC) electrosynthesis that systematically adjusts currents, frequencies, and duty ratios. The application of representative pAC waveforms facilitates copper-catalyzed carbon-hydrogen bond cleavage in cross-coupling and difunctionalization reactions that exhibit suboptimal performance under DC and chemical oxidation conditions. Moreover, observing catalyst dynamic variation under diverse waveform applications provides mechanistic insight.


Cu 催化 CH 键转变的程序化交流电优化

直流电(DC)电合成在过去一个世纪中经历了优化,在各种工业过程中发挥着关键作用。交流电合成具有极性反转和周期性波动的特点,可能有利于多种化学反应,但设备、原理和应用场景仍不发达。在这项工作中,我们引入了一种程序化交流(pAC)电合成协议,可以系统地调整电流、频率和占空比。代表性 pAC 波形的应用促进了交叉偶联和双官能化反应中铜催化的碳氢键断裂,这些反应在直流和化学氧化条件下表现出次优性能。此外,观察不同波形应用下催化剂的动态变化可以提供机理见解。