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A quantum-network register assembled with optical tweezers in an optical cavity
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1126/science.ado6471
Lukas Hartung 1 , Matthias Seubert 1 , Stephan Welte 1, 2 , Emanuele Distante 1 , Gerhard Rempe 1

Quantum computation and quantum communication are expected to provide users with capabilities inaccessible by classical physics. However, scalability to larger systems with many qubits is challenging. One solution is to develop a quantum network consisting of small-scale quantum registers containing computation qubits that are reversibly interfaced to communication qubits. In this study, we report on a register that uses both optical tweezers and optical lattices to deterministically assemble a two-dimensional array of atoms in an optical cavity. Harnessing a single atom–addressing beam, we stimulate the emission of a photon from each atom and demonstrate multiplexed atom-photon entanglement with a generation-to-detection efficiency approaching 90%. Combined with cavity-mediated quantum logic, our approach provides a possible route to distributed quantum information processing.



量子计算和量子通信有望为用户提供经典物理学无法达到的能力。然而,具有许多量子位的大型系统的可扩展性具有挑战性。一种解决方案是开发一个由小型量子寄存器组成的量子网络,其中包含与通信量子位可逆连接的计算量子位。在这项研究中,我们报告了一种使用光镊和光学晶格在光腔中确定性地组装二维原子阵列的寄存器。利用单原子寻址光束,我们激发每个原子发射光子,并证明了多路原子-光子纠缠,生成到检测的效率接近 90%。与腔介导的量子逻辑相结合,我们的方法为分布式量子信息处理提供了一条可能的途径。