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Performance of protected areas in conserving African elephants
Conservation Letters ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1111/conl.13041
Roberto J. Correa 1 , Peter A. Lindsey 2, 3, 4, 5 , Rob Critchlow 6, 7 , Colin M. Beale 6, 7, 8 , Jonas Geldmann 9 , Andrew J. Plumptre 1, 10

Protected areas have been gazetted to protect natural resources and biodiversity, but evaluations of effectiveness rarely include measures of species population change. We compiled annual site-level spending and elephant population data for 102 protected areas conserving either savannah (Loxodonta africana) or forest (Loxodonta cyclotis) elephants, which showed a median annual population decline of −0.78% across the protected areas. Site-level population change was strongly associated with funding and government effectiveness. Annual funding deficits occurred in 78% of the protected areas, and when comparing necessary levels of annual spend to stabilize elephant populations, we estimate a US$1.5 billion annual funding deficit across all the protected areas. While financial investment can improve elephant conservation outcomes, there is still a need to identify where and how to best finance elephant poaching interventions, requiring a global commitment to improve the socioeconomic impacts of protected areas on local communities and reduce ivory demand.



保护区已在宪报上公布,以保护自然资源和生物多样性,但有效性评估很少包括物种种群变化的措施。我们收集了 102 个保护草原象 ( Loxodonta africana ) 或森林象 ( Loxodonta cyclotis ) 的保护区的年度现场支出和大象数量数据,结果显示整个保护区的年人口下降中位数为 -0.78%。站点层面的人口变化与资金和政府效率密切相关。 78% 的保护区出现年度资金赤字,在比较稳定大象数量所需的年度支出水平时,我们估计所有保护区的年度资金赤字为 15 亿美元。虽然金融投资可以改善大象保护成果,但仍然需要确定在哪里以及如何为大象偷猎干预措施提供最佳资助,需要全球承诺改善保护区对当地社区的社会经济影响并减少象牙需求。