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Stereophotometric facial changes in edentulous older adults after rehabilitation with complete dentures
Gerodontology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1111/ger.12774
Zala Skomina 1, 2 , Milan Kuhar 3, 4 , Miha Verdenik 2 , Nataša Ihan Hren 2, 5

ObjectivesTo evaluate the facial characteristics of edentulous older adults who underwent rehabilitation using complete dentures, and to compare them with dentate individuals.BackgroundEdentulism rehabilitation with complete dentures aims to restore occlusion and facial aesthetics.Materials and MethodsThe study included 102 edentulous participants needing prosthodontic rehabilitation with complete dentures and 30 with a natural dentition (aged >65). The 3D facial scans were performed using an Artec optical scanner. Superficial facial landmarks were identified, and 16 parameters were calculated. Regional analysis with the superimposition of two scans was used to calculate the average distances and percentage of non‐matching surfaces in the 11 regions. Paired and independent t‐tests (α = .05) were used to test for group differences, as appropriate.ResultsAfter rehabilitation with complete dentures, facial changes were most noticeable in the perioral region: wider rima oris, longer upper lip, wider upper vermilion, and more protruded profile. The comparison of facial regions without and with dentures showed fuller and curvier cheeks, with no direct influence of dentures. The edentulous faces with dentures appeared shorter and more retruded than those of dentate individuals. A narrower lower vermilion, retruded upper lip, and more flattened facial profile were observed in females with dentures than in their dentate peers.ConclusionBesides the expected positive influence of rehabilitation with complete dentures on facial appearance in the perioral region, there are some unexpected changes, such as fuller cheeks, but there is still deficiency in vertical facial dimensions and a more flattened facial profile.



目的 评估使用全口义齿进行康复的无牙颌老年人的面部特征,并将其与有齿个体进行比较。 背景 全口义齿的无牙颌修复旨在恢复咬合和面部美观。 材料和方法 该研究包括 102 名需要全口义齿修复的无牙颌参与者。假牙 30 名,有自然牙列(年龄 >65 岁)。使用 Artec 光学扫描仪进行 3D 面部扫描。识别表面面部标志,并计算 16 个参数。使用两次扫描叠加的区域分析来计算 11 个区域中不匹配表面的平均距离和百分比。成对和独立t ‐测试( α = .05) 酌情用于测试组间差异。结果使用全口义齿进行康复后,口周区域的面部变化最为明显:口缘变宽、上唇变长、上朱红变宽以及轮廓更突出。没有假牙和有假牙的面部区域的比较显示,脸颊更饱满、更有曲线,没有假牙的直接影响。戴假牙的无牙颌面部比有牙齿的人显得更短、更后缩。与有齿牙的女性相比,戴假牙的女性下朱红更窄,上唇后缩,面部轮廓更扁平。结论除了全口假牙康复对口周区域面部外观的预期积极影响外,还有一些意想不到的变化,例如脸颊更丰满,但面部垂直尺寸和面部轮廓更扁平仍然存在缺陷。