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Natural Fibers: Why Are They Still the Missing Thread in the Textile Fiber Pollution Story?
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c05126
Thomas Stanton 1 , Alana James 2 , Miranda T. Prendergast-Miller 3 , Anne Peirson-Smith 2 , Chimdia KeChi-Okafor 3 , Matteo D. Gallidabino 4 , Anil Namdeo 3 , Kelly J. Sheridan 5, 6

Figure 1. Number of publications involving the study of synthetic and natural fibers across environmental sciences. Literature searching was performed with keywords through Elsevier’s Scopus (April 9, 2024) and outputs limited to the “environmental sciences” subject area only. The keywords retained for each category were as follows: “Synthetic fibres” et similia: “microplastic”, “micro-plastic”, “synthetic fibre”, “synthetic fiber”, “plastic fibre” and “plastic fiber”. “Natural fibres” et similia: “natural fibre” and “natural fiber”. Keywords were searched within the article title, abstract, and paper keywords. Accurate assessments of the extent of the textile industry’s environmental impact, informed by evidence-based and representative environmental research findings for all fiber types, and transparent communication of these scientific data Integration of these data into the design and development of new materials, products, and processes and throughout all stages of textile product development Reflective research and industry action informed by emerging policy and legislation (e.g., the Product Environmental Footprint and the Global Plastics Treaty) to identify and clarify responsibilities for relevant parties from across the fashion and textile value chain Thomas Stanton is a Lecturer in Geography at Loughborough University. His research and teaching focus on the prevalence, pathways, and impacts of pollutants, particularly in aquatic environments. As an AXA Research Fund Fellow (2022–2024), Tom applied this focus to the study of natural textile fibers (e.g., cotton and wool), compared to their microplastic analogues (e.g., polyester and acrylic). Tom’s work sits at the nexus of human and physical geography, and has a strong focus on interdisciplinarity and the integration of non-academic communities, in their many forms, into the research process. This includes his involvement in IMPACT+, a UK Research and Innovation Network Plus funded project with the co-authors of this Viewpoint. IMPACT+ is working to address challenges with environmental impact assessment, collaborating across multiple disciplines to ensure critical sustainability decisions are informed by authentic, reliable, and accurate scientific data. This work was supported by a trilateral fund from the Natural Environment Research Council, Arts and Humanities Research Council, and Innovate UK, through the UKRI Circular Fashion and Textiles Programme: NetworkPlus (Grant NE/Y004035/1). T.S. is supported by the AXA Research Fund Fellowship Program. This article references 5 other publications. This article has not yet been cited by other publications. Figure 1. Number of publications involving the study of synthetic and natural fibers across environmental sciences. Literature searching was performed with keywords through Elsevier’s Scopus (April 9, 2024) and outputs limited to the “environmental sciences” subject area only. The keywords retained for each category were as follows: “Synthetic fibres” et similia: “microplastic”, “micro-plastic”, “synthetic fibre”, “synthetic fiber”, “plastic fibre” and “plastic fiber”. “Natural fibres” et similia: “natural fibre” and “natural fiber”. Keywords were searched within the article title, abstract, and paper keywords. Thomas Stanton is a Lecturer in Geography at Loughborough University. His research and teaching focus on the prevalence, pathways, and impacts of pollutants, particularly in aquatic environments. As an AXA Research Fund Fellow (2022–2024), Tom applied this focus to the study of natural textile fibers (e.g., cotton and wool), compared to their microplastic analogues (e.g., polyester and acrylic). Tom’s work sits at the nexus of human and physical geography, and has a strong focus on interdisciplinarity and the integration of non-academic communities, in their many forms, into the research process. This includes his involvement in IMPACT+, a UK Research and Innovation Network Plus funded project with the co-authors of this Viewpoint. IMPACT+ is working to address challenges with environmental impact assessment, collaborating across multiple disciplines to ensure critical sustainability decisions are informed by authentic, reliable, and accurate scientific data. This article references 5 other publications.



图 1. 涉及环境科学领域合成纤维和天然纤维研究的出版物数量。通过爱思唯尔的 Scopus(2024 年 4 月 9 日)使用关键词进行文献检索,结果仅限于“环境科学”学科领域。每个类别保留的关键词如下:“合成纤维”等类似词:“微塑料”、“微塑料”、“合成纤维”、“合成纤维”、“塑料纤维”和“塑料纤维”。 “天然纤维”等类似词:“天然纤维”和“天然纤维”。在文章标题、摘要和论文关键词中搜索关键词。准确评估纺织工业的环境影响程度,以所有纤维类型的循证和代表性环境研究结果为依据,并透明地传达这些科学数据。将这些数据整合到新材料、产品和新产品的设计和开发中。流程和纺织产品开发的所有阶段 根据新兴政策和立法(例如产品环境足迹和全球塑料条约)进行反思性研究和行业行动,以确定和澄清整个时尚和纺织价值链相关方的责任 Thomas斯坦顿是拉夫堡大学地理学讲师。他的研究和教学重点是污染物的流行、途径和影响,特别是在水生环境中。作为 AXA 研究基金研究员(2022-2024 年),Tom 将这一重点应用于天然纺织纤维(例如棉花和羊毛)及其微塑料类似物(例如聚酯和丙烯酸纤维)的研究。 汤姆的工作处于人文地理学和自然地理学的结合点,并且非常注重跨学科性以及将多种形式的非学术界融入研究过程。这包括他与本观点的合著者参与了 IMPACT+,这是英国研究和创新网络+资助的项目。 IMPACT+ 致力于应对环境影响评估方面的挑战,跨多个学科进行合作,以确保关键的可持续发展决策得到真实、可靠和准确的科学数据的支持。这项工作得到了自然环境研究委员会、艺术与人文研究委员会和创新英国三方基金的支持,通过 UKRI 循环时装和纺织品计划:NetworkPlus(授予 NE/Y004035/1)。 T.S.得到 AXA 研究基金奖学金计划的支持。本文参考了其他 5 篇出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。图 1. 涉及环境科学领域合成纤维和天然纤维研究的出版物数量。通过爱思唯尔的 Scopus(2024 年 4 月 9 日)使用关键词进行文献检索,结果仅限于“环境科学”学科领域。每个类别保留的关键词如下:“合成纤维”等类似词:“微塑料”、“微塑料”、“合成纤维”、“合成纤维”、“塑料纤维”和“塑料纤维”。 “天然纤维”等类似词:“天然纤维”和“天然纤维”。在文章标题、摘要和论文关键词中搜索关键词。托马斯·斯坦顿是拉夫堡大学地理学讲师。他的研究和教学重点是污染物的流行、途径和影响,特别是在水生环境中。 作为 AXA 研究基金研究员(2022-2024 年),Tom 将这一重点应用于天然纺织纤维(例如棉花和羊毛)及其微塑料类似物(例如聚酯和丙烯酸纤维)的研究。汤姆的工作处于人文地理学和自然地理学的结合点,并且非常注重跨学科性以及将多种形式的非学术界融入研究过程。这包括他与本观点的合著者参与了 IMPACT+,这是英国研究和创新网络+资助的项目。 IMPACT+ 致力于应对环境影响评估方面的挑战,跨多个学科进行合作,以确保关键的可持续发展决策得到真实、可靠和准确的科学数据的支持。本文参考了其他 5 篇出版物。