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Measurement of Atmospheric Mercury: Current Limitations and Suggestions for Paths Forward
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c06011
Mae Sexauer Gustin 1 , Sarrah M Dunham-Cheatham 1 , Seth Lyman 2, 3 , Milena Horvat 4, 5 , David A Gay 6 , Jan Gačnik 1 , Lynne Gratz 7 , Geyan Kempkes 8 , Alexei Khalizov 9 , Che-Jen Lin 10 , Steven E Lindberg 11 , Livia Lown 1 , Lynwill Martin 12 , Robert Peter Mason 13 , Katrina MacSween 14 , Sreekanth Vijayakumaran Nair 4, 5 , Ly Sy Phu Nguyen 15 , Trevor O'Neil 2 , Jonas Sommar 16 , Peter Weiss-Penzias 17 , Lei Zhang 18 , Igor Živković 4, 5

Mercury (Hg) researchers have made progress in understanding atmospheric Hg, especially with respect to oxidized Hg (HgII) that can represent 2 to 20% of Hg in the atmosphere. Knowledge developed over the past ∼10 years has pointed to existing challenges with current methods for measuring atmospheric Hg concentrations and the chemical composition of HgII compounds. Because of these challenges, atmospheric Hg experts met to discuss limitations of current methods and paths to overcome them considering ongoing research. Major conclusions included that current methods to measure gaseous oxidized and particulate-bound Hg have limitations, and new methods need to be developed to make these measurements more accurate. Developing analytical methods for measurement of HgII chemistry is challenging. While the ultimate goal is the development of ultrasensitive methods for online detection of HgII directly from ambient air, in the meantime, new surfaces are needed on which HgII can be quantitatively collected and from which it can be reversibly desorbed to determine HgII chemistry. Discussion and identification of current limitations, described here, provide a basis for paths forward. Since the atmosphere is the means by which Hg is globally distributed, accurately calibrated measurements are critical to understanding the Hg biogeochemical cycle.



汞 (Hg) 研究人员在了解大气汞方面取得了进展,特别是氧化汞 (Hg II ),它占大气中汞的 2% 至 20%。过去 10 年发展的知识表明,当前测量大气汞浓度和汞II化合物化学成分的方法存在挑战。由于这些挑战,大气汞专家开会讨论了当前方法的局限性以及考虑到正在进行的研究来克服这些挑战的路径。主要结论包括,目前测量气态氧化汞和颗粒结合汞的方法存在局限性,需要开发新方法以使这些测量更加准确。开发测量 Hg II化学成分的分析方法具有挑战性。虽然最终目标是开发直接从环境空气中在线检测 Hg II的超灵敏方法,但与此同时,需要新的表面来定量收集 Hg II并从中可逆地解吸以确定 Hg II化学成分。这里描述的当前限制的讨论和识别为前进的道路提供了基础。由于大气是汞在全球分布的途径,因此准确校准的测量对于了解汞生物地球化学循环至关重要。