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Universal paediatric videolaryngoscopy and glottic view grading: a prospective observational study
Anaesthesia ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1111/anae.16366
Phillip B Sasu 1 , Nelly Gutsche 1 , Rilana Kramer 1 , Katharina Röher 1 , Eva M Zeidler 1 , Tanja Peters 1 , Vera Köhl 1 , Linda Krause 2 , Christian Zöllner 1 , Thorsten Dohrmann 1 , Martin Petzoldt 1

Although videolaryngoscopy has been proposed as a default technique for tracheal intubation in children, published evidence on universal videolaryngoscopy implementation programmes is scarce. We aimed to determine if universal, first-choice videolaryngoscopy reduces the incidence of restricted glottic views and to determine the diagnostic performance of the Cormack and Lehane classification to discriminate between easy and difficult videolaryngoscopic tracheal intubations in children.



尽管视频喉镜已被提议作为儿童气管插管的默认技术,但已发表的关于通用视频喉镜实施计划的证据很少。我们的目的是确定通用的首选视频喉镜是否可以减少声门视野受限的发生率,并确定 Cormack 和 Lehane 分类的诊断性能,以区分儿童中容易和困难的视频喉镜气管插管。