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Full quantum tomography of top quark decays
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138849
J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra

Quantum tomography in high-energy physics processes has usually been restricted to the spin degrees of freedom. We address the case of top quark decays , in which the orbital angular momentum () and the spins of and are intertwined into a 54-dimensional density operator. The entanglement between and the or spin is large and could be determined for decays of single top quarks produced at the Large Hadron Collider with Run 2 data. With the foreseen statistical and systematic uncertainties, the significance is well above 5 from the separability hypothesis for - entanglement, and 3.2 for -. These would be the first entanglement measurements between orbital and spin angular momenta in high-energy physics. Likewise, the genuine tripartite entanglement between and the two spins could be established with more than 5. The method presented paves the way for similar measurements in other processes.



高能物理过程中的量子断层扫描通常仅限于自旋自由度。我们讨论顶夸克衰变的情况,其中轨道角动量 () 以及 和 的自旋交织成 54 维密度算子。和 或 自旋之间的纠缠很大,可以通过运行 2 的数据来确定大型强子对撞机产生的单顶夸克的衰变。考虑到可预见的统计和系统不确定性,- 纠缠的显着性远高于可分离性假设的 5,而 - 的显着性则远高于 3.2。这将是高能物理学中轨道角动量和自旋角动量之间的首次纠缠测量。同样,两个自旋之间真正的三方纠缠可以用超过 5 个来建立。该方法为其他过程中的类似测量铺平了道路。