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Enhancement of the Higgs decay into a Z′ pair in models with U(1)X gauge symmetry
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138843
K.A. ShivaSankar , Arindam Das , Kei Yagyu

We discuss the Higgs phenomenology in models with a new gauge symmetry including the scenario, where three right-handed neutrinos are inevitably introduced due to the gauge anomaly cancellations. We find that the decay branching ratio of the discovered Higgs boson into a pair of new massive gauge bosons () can significantly be enhanced in the Dirac neutrino case as compared with the Majorana case for a fixed value of the new gauge coupling and the mass of under constraints from current experimental data. Because of such an enhancement, the Dirac case can indirectly be discriminated from the Majorana case via the Higgs decay.


在具有 U(1)X 规范对称性的模型中希格斯衰变增强为 Z′ 对
