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Baby skyrmion crystals stabilized by vector mesons
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138842
Paul Leask

In this letter we study soliton crystals in the -dimensional analogue model of the -dimensional Adkins–Nappi model of nuclear physics. The baby -Skyrme model studied here is an nonlinear model coupled to a massive vector meson, the -meson. Using recently developed methods in the -dimensional -Skyrme model we are able to construct soliton crystals in this -dimensional baby -Skyrme model. The resulting crystals form a hexagonal lattice structure and are qualitatively quantitatively similar to crystals observed in the standard baby Skyrme model.



在这封信中,我们研究了核物理 2 维 Adkins-Nappi 模型的 3 维模拟模型中的孤子晶体。这里研究的婴儿-Skyrme 模型是一个与大矢量介子(-介子)耦合的非线性模型。使用最近开发的 维-Skyrme 模型中的方法,我们能够在这个 维-Skyrme 模型中构造孤子晶体。由此产生的晶体形成六方晶格结构,并且在质量和数量上与标准婴儿 Skyrme 模型中观察到的晶体相似。