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Spectroscopy of N = 50 isotones with the valence-space density matrix renormalization group
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138841
A. Tichai , K. Kapás , T. Miyagi , M.A. Werner , Ö. Legeza , A. Schwenk , G. Zarand

The recently proposed combination of the valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group (VS-IMSRG) with the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) offers a scalable and flexible many-body approach for strongly correlated open-shell nuclei. We use the VS-DMRG to investigate the low-lying spectroscopy of isotones, which are characteristic for their transition between single-particle and collective excitations. We also study electromagnetic transitions and show the advantage of the VS-DMRG to capture the underlying physics more efficiently, with significantly improved convergence compared to state-of-the-art shell-model truncations. Combined with an analysis of quantum information measures, this further establishes the VS-DMRG as a valuable method for calculations of nuclei.


使用价空间密度矩阵重正化组对 N = 50 个同位素进行光谱分析

最近提出的价空间介质内相似性重整化群(VS-IMSRG)与密度矩阵重整化群(DMRG)的组合为强相关开壳核提供了一种可扩展且灵活的多体方法。我们使用 VS-DMRG 来研究等位素的低位光谱,这是它们在单粒子和集体激发之间转变的特征。我们还研究了电磁跃迁,并展示了 VS-DMRG 更有效地捕获底层物理的优势,与最先进的壳模型截断相比,收敛性显着提高。结合量子信息测量的分析,这进一步确立了 VS-DMRG 作为核计算的有价值的方法。