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A modified dyon solution in a non-Abelian gauge model
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138840
A.Yu. Loginov

A modified Georgi-Glashow model is considered here, and it is shown that besides the well-known Julia-Zee dyon solution, the model can also have a modified dyon solution. The properties of the modified dyon solution are studied using analytical and numerical methods. A comparative analysis of the modified dyon and the Julia-Zee dyon shows that their properties are significantly different. In particular, except for the BPS case, the energy and electric charge of the modified dyons exceed considerably those of the Julia-Zee dyons. At the same time, the energy and electric charge of the modified dyon are bounded for all admissible parameter values, whereas those of the Julia-Zee dyon can be arbitrarily large in the BPS case.



这里考虑修改的Georgi-Glashow模型,结果表明除了众所周知的Julia-Zee dyon解之外,该模型还可以有修改的dyon解。使用解析和数值方法研究了改进的动力溶液的性质。对改进型 dyon 和 Julia-Zee dyon 的比较分析表明,它们的性能存在显着差异。特别是,除了 BPS 情况外,改进的动力子的能量和电荷大大超过了 Julia-Zee 动力子。同时,修改后的动力子的能量和电荷对于所有允许的参数值都是有界的,而 Julia-Zee 动力子的能量和电荷在 BPS 情况下可以任意大。