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Neutron Skins: Weak Elastic Scattering and Neutron Stars
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-10 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-nucl-102122-024207
Juliette M. Mammei 1 , Charles J. Horowitz 2 , Jorge Piekarewicz 3 , Brendan T. Reed 4 , Concettina Sfienti 5

The recently completed PREX-2 campaign measured the density distribution of neutrons in the lead nucleus as a function of momentum transfer (the form factor), confirmed a relatively large extent of the neutrons beyond the protons in the nucleus (the neutron skin), and provided a precise determination of the density of protons and neutrons at the center of a heavy nucleus. In turn, the measured form factor can be related to various nuclear and neutron star properties. The NICER X-ray telescope has inferred the masses and radii of some X-ray pulsars (neutron stars), although complications arise when determining these quantities independently. Further improvements in NICER have enabled simultaneous mass–radius determinations that had not previously been possible. During the next decade, measurements in astrophysics, gravitational-wave astronomy, and nuclear physics are expected to provide a wealth of more precise data. In this review, we present an overview of the current state of neutron skin measurements and offer insights into prospects for the future.



最近完成的 PREX-2 活动测量了铅核中中子的密度分布作为动量传递(形状因子)的函数,确认了相对较大范围的中子超出了核中的质子(中子皮),并且精确测定重核中心质子和中子的密度。反过来,测量的形状因数可以与各种核和中子星特性相关。 NICER X 射线望远镜推断出了一些 X 射线脉冲星(中子星)的质量和半径,尽管独立确定这些量时会出现一些复杂情况。 NICER 的进一步改进使得能够同时测定质量半径,这在以前是不可能的。在接下来的十年中,天体物理学、引力波天文学和核物理学的测量预计将提供大量更精确的数据。在这篇综述中,我们概述了中子皮测量的现状,并提供了对未来前景的见解。