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Risk Factor Targeted Perioperative Care Reduces Anastomotic Leakage after Colorectal Surgery: The DoubleCheck study.
Annals of Surgery ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000006442
Anne de Wit 1, 2 , Boukje T Bootsma 1, 2 , Daitlin E Huisman 1, 2 , Bob van Wely 3 , Julie van Hoogstraten 3 , Dirk J A Sonneveld 4 , Daan Moes 4 , Johannes A Wegdam 5 , Carlo V Feo 6 , Emiel G G Verdaasdonk 7 , Walter J A Brokelman 7 , David W G Ten Cate 8 , Tim Lubbers 9 , Emmanuel Lagae 10 , David J G H Roks 10 , Geert Kazemier 1, 2 , Jurre Stens 11 , Gerrit D Slooter 8 , Freek Daams 1, 2 ,

The DoubleCheck study aimed to introduce pre- and perioperative interventions minimizing exposure to modifiable risk factors and determine its effect on CAL.


针对危险因素的围手术期护理可减少结直肠手术后的吻合口渗漏:DoubleCheck 研究。

DoubleCheck 研究旨在引入术前和围手术期干预措施,尽量减少暴露于可改变的危险因素,并确定其对 CAL 的影响。