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The ethics of climate change loss and damage
WIREs Climate Change ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-10 , DOI: 10.1002/wcc.910
Eike Düvel 1 , Laura García‐Portela 2

In the last decade, the international community has become increasingly aware that some negative impacts of climate change cannot be prevented. During the COP19 in Warsaw in 2013, the parties who agreed to the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) acknowledged that there were already greater climate impacts than could be reduced by adaptation (UNFCCC, 2014). These impacts have been called “loss and damage”, and the policies and measures that deal with them are usually referred to as L&D, or L&D measures or policies. Since then, examples of loss and damage have unfortunately become abundant, but we lack a systematic approach to the ethical issues surrounding loss and damage. This article provides an overview of some of the ethical issues surrounding loss and damage in the context of climate change. We discuss what should count as loss and damage, how access to justice for loss and damage should be granted and their different rationale, as well as issues of noneconomic and nonanthropocentric loss and damage.This article is categorized under: Climate, Nature, and Ethics > Ethics and Climate Change



过去十年,国际社会越来越意识到气候变化的一些负面影响是无法避免的。 2013 年在华沙举行的第 19 次缔约方大会 (COP19) 期间,同意华沙国际机制 (WIM) 的各方承认,气候影响已经超出了通过适应措施所能减少的影响(UNFCCC,2014)。这些影响被称为“损失和损害”,处理这些影响的政策和措施通常被称为L&D,或L&D措施或政策。从那时起,不幸的是,损失和损害的例子变得越来越多,但我们缺乏系统的方法来处理与损失和损害有关的道德问题。本文概述了气候变化背景下有关损失和损害的一些伦理问题。我们讨论什么应该算作损失和损害,如何对损失和损害诉诸司法及其不同的理由,以及非经济和非人类中心的损失和损害问题。本文分类为:气候、自然和伦理> 伦理与气候变化