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Stretching, Tapping, or Compressing–What Role Does Triboelectricity Play in the Signal Output from Piezoelectric Nanogenerators?
Advanced Electronic Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-09 , DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202400019
Alireza Akbarinejad 1, 2 , Holger Fiedler 3 , Jade Nguyen 4 , Zifan Li 4 , Donn Adam Gito 1 , Peter C. Sherrell 5, 6 , Amanda V. Ellis 6 , Kean Aw 4 , Jenny Malmstrom 1, 2

Piezoelectric energy generation is relevant for developing advanced electronics. However, the poor understanding of the influence of triboelectricity as an alternate charge generation mechanism has, in many cases, resulted in the reporting of exaggerated piezoelectric outputs. Herein, the signal output is systematically investigated from a range of organic piezoelectric materials (poled polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)), moderately piezoelectric (heat-treated PVDF), and non-piezoelectric (non-poled PVDF), polytetrafluoroelthylene (Teflon) and nylon) under tapping and compression (33 direction) and stretching (31 direction) in both encapsulated and non-encapsulated forms. This findings reveal that regardless of their piezoelectric properties, all tested materials exhibit substantial voltage outputs (4.2–4.6 V) during tapping, primarily attributed to the triboelectric effect at the contact interface. The triboelectric contribution to the signal is reduced by 99% in compression mode for non-piezoelectric materials and the piezoelectric signal is the primary contributor in the stretching mode with a high signal output of 7.71 V N−1 for poled PVDF and a negligible signal (0.01–0.12 V N−1) for non-piezoelectric materials. Moreover, elastomeric encapsulation is demonstrated to markedly increase triboelectric signals in tapping mode. These results have important implications for the future design of piezoelectric-triboelectric devices and the accurate interpretation of the data obtained from such devices.



压电能源的产生与先进电子产品的开发相关。然而,在许多情况下,对摩擦电作为替代电荷产生机制的影响的了解不足,导致报告夸大了压电输出。在此,系统地研究了一系列有机压电材料(极化聚偏二氟乙烯 (PVDF))、中等压电材料(热处理 PVDF)和非压电材料(非极化 PVDF)、聚四氟乙烯 (Teflon) 和尼龙的信号输出)在封装和非封装形式下敲击和压缩(33方向)和拉伸(31方向)。这一发现表明,无论其压电特性如何,所有测试材料在攻丝过程中都表现出大量电压输出(4.2-4.6 V),这主要归因于接触界面的摩擦起电效应。对于非压电材料,在压缩模式下,摩擦电对信号的贡献减少了 99%,而压电信号是拉伸模式下的主要贡献者,极化 PVDF 的高信号输出为 7.71 VN -1 ,信号可忽略不计(0.01 –0.12 VN -1 ) 对于非压电材料。此外,弹性体封装被证明可以显着增加轻敲模式下的摩擦电信号。这些结果对于压电摩擦电设备的未来设计以及从此类设备获得的数据的准确解释具有重要意义。