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The experimental implications of the rate of temperature change and timing of nutrient availability on growth and stoichiometry of a natural marine phytoplankton community
Limnology and Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-09 , DOI: 10.1002/lno.12613
Anika Happe 1 , Antonia Ahme 2 , Marco J. Cabrerizo 3, 4 , Miriam Gerhard 5 , Uwe John 2, 6 , Maren Striebel 1

Climate change increases the need to understand the effect of predicted future temperature and nutrient scenarios on marine phytoplankton. However, experimental studies addressing the effects of both drivers use a variety of design approaches regarding their temperature change rate and nutrient supply regimes. This study combines a systematic literature map to identify the existing bias in the experimental design of studies evaluating the phytoplankton response to temperature change, with a laboratory experiment. The experiment was designed to quantify how different temperature levels (6°C, 12°C, and 18°C), temperature regimes (abrupt vs. gradual increase), timings of nutrient addition (before or after the temperature change) and nutrient regimes (limiting vs. balanced) alter the growth and stoichiometry of a natural marine phytoplankton community. The systematic map revealed three key biases in marine global change experiments: (1) 66% of the studies do not explicitly describe the experimental temperature change or nutrient regime, (2) 84% applied an abrupt temperature exposure, and (3) only 15% experimentally manipulated the nutrient regime. Our experiment demonstrated that the identified biases in experimental design toward abrupt temperature exposure induced a short‐term growth overshoot compared to gradually increasing temperatures. Additionally, the timing of nutrient availability strongly modulated the direction of the temperature effect and strength of growth enhancement along balanced N : P supply ratios. Our study stresses that the rate of temperature change, the timing of nutrient addition and the N : P supply ratio should be considered in experimental planning to produce ecologically relevant results as different setups lead to contrasting directions of outcome.



气候变化增加了了解预测的未来温度和营养情景对海洋浮游植物影响的需求。然而,针对这两种驱动因素影响的实验研究使用了各种关于温度变化率和养分供应机制的设计方法。本研究结合系统文献图谱,通过实验室实验来确定评估浮游植物对温度变化的响应的研究实验设计中存在的偏差。该实验旨在量化不同温度水平(6°C、12°C 和 18°C)、温度制度(突然与逐渐增加)、营养物添加时间(温度变化之前或之后)和营养制度的影响(限制与平衡)改变天然海洋浮游植物群落的生长和化学计量。系统图揭示了海洋全球变化实验中的三个关键偏差:(1) 66% 的研究没有明确描述实验温度变化或营养状况,(2) 84% 的研究应用了突然的温度暴露,(3) 只有 15 %通过实验操纵营养状况。我们的实验表明,与逐渐升高的温度相比,实验设计中发现的突然温度暴露的偏差会导致短期生长超调。此外,养分供应的时间强烈调节温度效应的方向和平衡的氮磷供应比的生长增强强度。 我们的研究强调,在实验计划中应考虑温度变化率、养分添加时间和氮磷供应比,以产生生态相关的结果,因为不同的设置会导致不同的结果方向。