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Unveiling winter survival strategies: physiological and metabolic responses to cold stress of Monochamus saltuarius larvae during overwintering
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-09 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8282
Fengming Shi 1 , Yu Xing 1 , Yiming Niu 1 , Ling Cheng 1 , Yabei Xu 1 , Xinyu Li 1 , Lili Ren 1 , Shixiang Zong 1 , Jing Tao 2

BACKGROUNDMonochamus saltuarius is a destructive trunk‐borer of pine forest and an effective dispersal vector for pinewood nematode (PWN), a causative agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), which leads to major ecological disasters. Cold winter temperatures determine insect survival and distribution. However, little is known about the cold tolerance and potential physiological mechanisms of M. saltuarius.RESULTSWe demonstrated that dead Pinus koraiensis trunks do not provide larvae with insulation. The M. saltuarius larvae are freeze‐tolerant species. Unlike most other freeze‐tolerant insects, they can actively freeze extracellular fluid at higher subzero temperatures by increasing their supercooling points. The main energy sources for larvae overwintering are glycogen and the mid‐late switch to lipid. The water balance showed a decrease in free and an increase in bound water of small magnitude. Cold stress promoted lipid peroxidation, thus activating the antioxidant system to prevent cold‐induced oxidative damage. We found eight main pathways linked to cold stress and 39 important metabolites, ten of which are cryoprotectants, including maltose, UDP‐glucose, d‐fructose 6P, galactinol, dulcitol, inositol, sorbitol, l‐methionine, sarcosine, and d‐proline. The M. saltuarius larvae engage in a dual respiration process involving both anaerobic and aerobic pathways when their bodily fluids freeze. Cysteine and methionine metabolism, as well as alanine, aspartate, and glutamate metabolism, are the most important pathways linked to antioxidation and energy production.CONCLUSIONSThe implications of our findings may help strengthen and supplement the management strategies for monitoring, quarantine, and control of this pest, thereby contributing to controlling the further spread of PWD. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.



背景松墨天牛是松林的破坏性树干蛀虫,也是松材线虫(PWN)的有效传播媒介,松材线虫是松材线虫病(PWD)的病原体,可导致重大生态灾难。冬季寒冷的气温决定了昆虫的生存和分布。然而,人们对植物的耐寒性和潜在的生理机制知之甚少。 M. saltuarius .结果我们证明了死红松树干不为幼虫提供绝缘。这M. saltuarius幼虫是耐冻物种。与大多数其他耐冻昆虫不同,它们可以通过提高过冷点在零度以下的较高温度下主动冻结细胞外液。幼虫越冬的主要能源为糖原,中后期转为脂质。水平衡显示自由水有小幅度的减少和结合水的增加。冷应激促进脂质过氧化,从而激活抗氧化系统以防止寒冷引起的氧化损伤。我们发现了与冷应激相关的 8 个主要途径和 39 种重要代谢物,其中 10 种是冷冻保护剂,包括麦芽糖、UDP-葡萄糖、 d ‐果糖6P、半乳糖醇、卫矛醇、肌醇、山梨醇、我‐蛋氨酸、肌氨酸和d ‐脯氨酸。这M. saltuarius当幼虫的体液冻结时,它们会参与涉及厌氧和有氧途径的双重呼吸过程。半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸代谢以及丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢是与抗氧化和能量产生相关的最重要途径。结论 我们的研究结果可能有助于加强和补充该害虫的监测、检疫和控制管理策略,从而有助于控制 PWD 的进一步传播。 © 2024 化学工业协会。