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Perceived and Actual Norms, and Norm Misperceptions in Explaining Participant Roles in Bullying
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02042-2
Huiyoung Shin 1 , Sunjeong Gyeong 1

Bullying norms have been shown to affect adolescents’ decisions on different behaviors in bullying situations, but little is known about the differential contribution of perceived and actual bullying norms as well as their agreement. The present study investigated the effects of perceived and actual norms, along with norm misperceptions in participant roles in bullying. A sample of 890 students (337 fourth-, 223 fifth-, and 320 sixth-graders; Female 48%; Mage = 11.98, SDage = 0.82) from 34 classrooms in South Korean elementary schools was assessed at two time points: at the beginning (Wave 1) and at the end of the semester (Wave 2). Multilevel modeling results indicated that empathy as well as perceived and actual anti-bullying norms had unique effects on different participant roles in bullying. The agreement between perceived and actual norms also varied across classes, and bullying, victimization, and bystanding were found to be higher in classes where individuals misperceived the actual anti-bullying norms. Adolescents were more likely to defend in response to their empathy in classes with higher anti-bullying norms, while they were less likely to bystand in response to their empathy in classes where individuals accurately perceived the actual anti-bullying norms. These findings underscore that intervention programs can focus on correcting adolescents’ erroneous perceptions and convictions about peers’ anti-bullying attitudes to alleviate bullying and its negative consequences.



欺凌规范已被证明会影响青少年在霸凌情况下对不同行为的决定,但人们对感知和实际霸凌规范的不同贡献以及它们的一致性知之甚少。本研究调查了感知和实际规范的影响,以及对参与者在欺凌中的角色的规范误解。样本为 890 名学生(337 名四年级学生、223 名五年级学生和 320 名六年级学生;女性 48%;来自韩国小学 34 个教室的 M年龄 = 11.98,SD 年龄 = 0.82)在两个时间点进行评估:学期开始(第 1 波)和学期末(第 2 波)。多层次建模结果表明,同理心以及感知和实际的反欺凌规范对欺凌中的不同参与者角色具有独特的影响。感知规范和实际规范之间的一致性也因班级而异,在个人误解实际反欺凌规范的班级中,欺凌、受害和旁观的程度更高。在反霸凌规范较高的班级中,青少年更有可能为他们的同理心进行防御,而在个人准确感知实际反霸凌规范的班级中,他们不太可能因自己的同理心而旁观。这些发现强调,干预计划可以侧重于纠正青少年对同龄人反霸凌态度的错误认知和信念,以减轻霸凌及其负面后果。
