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pSTEM Implicit Stereotypes and pSTEM Motivation Among Black and Latina Undergraduate Women: The Role of Gender and Ethnic/Racial Typicality
Sex Roles ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s11199-024-01492-z
Christine R. Starr , Alan Meca

Implicitly stereotyping pSTEM (physical sciences, technology, engineering, and math) with Asian and White men can demotivate Black and Latina women in pSTEM. However, theory suggests that stereotypes might not affect all members of a group in the same way. In a sample of 345 undergraduate Black and Latina women, we tested gender typicality and ethnic/racial typicality as moderators of the relation between implicit stereotypes and pSTEM motivation. We found that stronger endorsement of implicit stereotypes associating pSTEM with men or Asian/White people was negatively related to expectancy beliefs and value beliefs among Black and Latina women. However, interaction effects revealed that the lower value beliefs in relation to pSTEM implicit stereotypes were strongest for women who identified most with other women, and the lower expectancy beliefs in relation to pSTEM implicit stereotypes were strongest for Black and Latina women who identified least with other Black and Latinx people. Thus, for Black and Latina women, seeing oneself as typical of one’s ethnic/racial group may buffer the impact of stereotypes, whereas seeing oneself as a typical woman may further lower pSTEM motivation.


黑人和拉丁裔本科女性的 pSTEM 隐性成见和 pSTEM 动机:性别和民族/种族典型性的作用

对亚裔和白人男性隐含的 pSTEM(物理科学、技术、工程和数学)刻板印象可能会降低黑人和拉丁裔女性参与 pSTEM 的积极性。然而,理论表明,刻板印象可能不会以相同的方式影响一个群体的所有成员。在 345 名黑人和拉丁裔女性本科生样本中,我们测试了性别典型性和民族/种族典型性作为隐性刻板印象和 pSTEM 动机之间关系的调节因素。我们发现,对 pSTEM 与男性或亚裔/白人相关的隐性刻板印象的更强认可与黑人和拉丁裔女性的期望信念和价值信念呈负相关。然而,交互效应显示,与 pSTEM 隐性刻板印象相关的较低价值信念在最认同其他女性的女性中最强,而与 pSTEM 隐性刻板印象相关的较低预期信念在最不认同其他女性的黑人和拉丁裔女性中最强。黑人和拉丁裔。因此,对于黑人和拉丁裔女性来说,将自己视为族裔/种族群体的典型可能会缓冲刻板印象的影响,而将自己视为典型的女性可能会进一步降低 pSTEM 动机。
