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Hysteroscopic Management of Symptomatic Cesarean Scar Diverticulum in Patients Undergoing Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer: Impact on Clinical Pregnancy Rates and Pregnancy Complications
Reproductive Sciences ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s43032-024-01642-4
Qingxian Li 1 , Xin Zhang 1 , Song Jiang 2 , Wenjuan Pang 1 , Ningxia Sun 1

This retrospective cohort study aimed to compare the clinical outcomes of patients with cesarean scar defect (CSD) undergoing frozen embryo transfer (FET) with or without hysteroscopic repair surgery. The study included 82 patients, with 48 patients in surgical group A (undergoing CSD repair) and 34 patients in surgical group B (undergoing hysteroscopic treatment for other uterine lesions). The results showed that patients in group A had a larger CSD volume and a different shape compared to group B. However, there was no significant difference in clinical pregnancy rates between the two groups. Additionally, there were no differences in miscarriage, live birth, or preterm birth rates, and no complications such as scar pregnancy or placental abnormalities were observed in either group. These findings suggest that hysteroscopic treatment of CSD in symptomatic patients undergoing FET does not increase the risk of pregnancy complications and can lead to comparable clinical pregnancy rates with asymptomatic patients. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm these results and evaluate long-term reproductive outcomes following CSD repair.



这项回顾性队列研究旨在比较接受冷冻胚胎移植(FET)并进行或不进行宫腔镜修复手术的剖宫产疤痕缺陷(CSD)患者的临床结果。该研究包括 82 名患者,其中手术 A 组 48 名患者(接受 CSD 修复),手术 B 组 34 名患者(接受宫腔镜治疗其他子宫病变)。结果显示,与B组相比,A组患者的CSD体积更大,形状也不同。但两组临床妊娠率无显着差异。此外,两组的流产率、活产率或早产率没有差异,也没有观察到疤痕妊娠或胎盘异常等并发症。这些研究结果表明,接受 FET 的有症状患者的 CSD 宫腔镜治疗不会增加妊娠并发症的风险,并且可以导致与无症状患者相当的临床妊娠率。需要进行更大样本量的进一步研究来证实这些结果并评估 CSD 修复后的长期生殖结果。
