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Speaking your language: The psychological impact of dialect integration in artificial intelligence systems
Current Opinion in Psychology ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2024.101840
Andre Martin 1 , Khalia Jenkins 2

As the popularity and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems continue to rise, this article presents a promising proposition: the use of AI dialects to enhance AI perception. By delving into the potential of personalized AI dialects to augment user perceptions of warmth, competence, and authenticity, the article underscores the pivotal role of anthropomorphism in fortifying trust, satisfaction, and loyalty to AI systems. A comprehensive research framework is put forth to explore these potential mechanisms and outcomes of AI dialect introduction, shedding light on how these impacts might vary based on AI modality (text, voice, and video), industry adoption, and user demographics.



随着人工智能 (AI) 系统的普及和采用不断上升,本文提出了一个有前景的主张:使用 AI 方言来增强 AI 感知。通过深入研究个性化人工智能方言在增强用户对温暖、能力和真实性的感知方面的潜力,本文强调了拟人化在增强对人工智能系统的信任、满意度和忠诚度方面的关键作用。提出了一个全面的研究框架来探索人工智能方言引入的这些潜在机制和结果,揭示这些影响可能如何根据人工智能模式(文本、语音和视频)、行业采用和用户人口统计而变化。