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Neutrinos as possible probes for quantum gravity
Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-08 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad5825
M D C Torri , L Miramonti

In this paper, we aim to explore the interplay between neutrinos and quantum gravity, illustrating some proposals about the use of these particles as probes for the supposed quantized structure of spacetime. The residual signatures of a more fundamental theory of quantum gravity can manifest themselves modifying the free particle dispersion relations and the connected velocity. In neutrino sector these supposed effects can modify the time of flight for astrophysical particles with different energies and can affect the usual neutrino oscillation pattern introducing species depending perturbations. We will highlight how perturbations caused by non-standard interactions in the solar neutrino sector can mimic the presumed quantum gravity effects. In fact, the mathematical formulation of non-standard interactions is equivalent to that of CPT-odd perturbations. We will, therefore, emphasize the need to identify the nature of different contributions in order to disentangle them in the search for quantum gravity effects. As a final point we will discuss the possibility to detect in the neutrino sector decoherence effects caused by the quantum gravity supposed perturbations. By reviewing current experimental constraints and observations, we seek to shed light on the intricate relationship between neutrinos and quantum gravity, and discuss the challenges and future directions in this fascinating field of research.



在本文中,我们的目标是探索中微子和量子引力之间的相互作用,阐述一些关于使用这些粒子作为假设的时空量子结构的探针的建议。更基本的量子引力理论的残余特征可以表现出自身对自由粒子色散关系和相关速度的修改。在中微子区域,这些假定的效应可以改变具有不同能量的天体物理粒子的飞行时间,并且可以影响通常的中微子振荡模式,从而引入依赖于物种的扰动。我们将重点介绍太阳中微子区域中非标准相互作用引起的扰动如何模拟假定的量子引力效应。事实上,非标准相互作用的数学公式相当于 CPT 奇扰动的数学公式。因此,我们将强调需要确定不同贡献的性质,以便在寻找量子引力效应时理清它们。作为最后一点,我们将讨论在中微子扇区中检测由量子引力假设的扰动引起的退相干效应的可能性。通过回顾当前的实验限制和观察结果,我们试图阐明中微子和量子引力之间的复杂关系,并讨论这个令人着迷的研究领域的挑战和未来方向。