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Bug city life: Public acceptance of urban insect-friendly meadows in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128426
Mona Frank , Barbara S. Zaunbrecher , Simon Himmel , Martina Ziefle

Reports of continuing declines in some insect populations have raised concerns and calls for action to protect insects. The establishment of insect-friendly meadows in urban areas provides an opportunity to conserve both insect and plant diversity. However, public acceptance can be an obstacle to the implementation of such meadows, for example, due to competing land use interests and the perception that tall meadows are visually unattractive. To address these concerns and align urban green spaces with both public preferences and environmental needs, a systematic understanding of the factors influencing public acceptance of meadows is essential. To this end, a representative online survey was conducted in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with 899 participants to assess the acceptance of insect-friendly meadows in urban areas. The study shows significant support for insect-friendly meadows across all subgroups and within each country-specific subgroup. The factor that most influences their acceptance is the recognition of the ecological benefits of these meadows. It is therefore highly recommended to prioritize public awareness campaigns that highlight the complex relationship between plant and insect diversity. Such efforts can contribute to a better understanding of the benefits of insect-friendly meadows for biodiversity, thereby increasing public support for these conservation measures. Additionally, considerations related to perceived aesthetics, appreciation of an increase in insect abundance, preference for public funding, and a general sense of safety around these meadows should inform the development and communication strategies for insect-friendly green spaces, as they significantly influence public acceptance. These design and perception aspects of meadows were shown to have a stronger influence on the acceptance of meadows than individual, attitudinal characteristics such as environmental attitudes or attitudes toward insect decline. While this study provides insights into the general public acceptance of insect-friendly meadows, more research is needed to understand the influence of the specific local context on meadow acceptance.



有关某些昆虫数量持续下降的报道引起了人们的关注,并呼吁采取行动保护昆虫。在城市地区建立昆虫友好型草地为保护昆虫和植物多样性提供了机会。然而,公众的接受度可能会成为实施此类草地的障碍,例如,由于土地使用利益的竞争以及人们认为高大的草地在视觉上没有吸引力。为了解决这些问题并使城市绿地与公众偏好和环境需求保持一致,系统地了解影响公众对草地接受度的因素至关重要。为此,在德国、奥地利和瑞士开展了一项有代表性的在线调查,共有 899 名参与者参与,以评估城市地区对昆虫友好型草地的接受程度。该研究表明,所有亚组和每个特定国家亚组内都对昆虫友好型草地给予了大力支持。最影响他们接受的因素是对这些草地生态效益的认识。因此,强烈建议优先开展公众意识活动,强调植物和昆虫多样性之间的复杂关系。这些努力有助于更好地了解昆虫友好型草地对生物多样性的好处,从而增加公众对这些保护措施的支持。此外,与感知美学、对昆虫丰富度增加的欣赏、对公共资金的偏好以及这些草地周围的普遍安全感相关的考虑因素应为昆虫友好型绿色空间的开发和传播策略提供信息,因为它们显着影响公众的接受度。 草地的这些设计和感知方面被证明比个人态度特征(例如环境态度或对昆虫衰退的态度)对草地的接受度有更大的影响。虽然这项研究提供了公众对昆虫友好草地的接受程度的见解,但还需要更多的研究来了解当地特定环境对草地接受程度的影响。