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The Sukkah Drill: A Novel Approach to Incident Command Training
Clinical Simulation in Nursing ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2024.101565
Sima Shulman , Eli Jaffe , Omer Perry , Yuval Bitan

First responders classically train to manage Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs) by practicing incident command skills during Field Drills which mimic real-world conditions but are also costly and logistically complex to conduct. We therefore present the Sukkah Drill (named for its similarity to the hut used on the holiday of Sukkot) as an alternative, low-cost and simple innovative teaching method for MCI management. This study compares the Field and Sukkah Drills to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of this new training method. We compared the physical design features of the Sukkah and Field Drills qualitatively. A checklist of fourteen procedural actions was used to evaluate incident commanders during six Field Drills and seven Sukkah Drills, and the rates of performance of each action compared quantitively. Despite differences in design, thirteen of fourteen procedural actions were performed at similar rates across both Sukkah and Field Drills. The Sukkah Drill provides a comparable simulation experience to the Field Drill. Its simplicity and affordability may make it especially useful for lower-resource organizations.



急救人员通常通过在模拟现实条件的现场演习中练习事件指挥技能来进行管理大规模伤亡事件 (MCI) 的培训,但进行起来成本高昂且后勤复杂。因此,我们推出 Sukkah Drill(因其与住棚节假期使用的小屋相似而得名)作为 MCI 管理的替代、低成本且简单的创新教学方法。本研究比较了野外训练和住棚训练,以更好地了解这种新训练方法的优点和缺点。我们定性地比较了住棚节和野外演习的物理设计特征。在六次现场演习和七次住棚演习中,使用了十四项程序行动的清单来评估事件指挥官,并对每项行动的执行率进行了定量比较。尽管设计有所不同,住棚节和野外演习的 14 项程序行动中有 13 项的执行率相似。 Sukkah 演习提供了与现场演习相当的模拟体验。它的简单性和经济性可能使其对于资源匮乏的组织特别有用。