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From rhymes to revelation:A qualitative study of listeners’ meaning-making of hip-hop music
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101914
Cedra van Erp , Danielle N.M. Bleize , Serena Daalmans

Hip-Hop as a music genre is a popular music genre both in commercial success and global impact and there is a variety of academic studies on the origins, creation, effects, and uses of hip-hop. What remains understudied, yet fundamentally important, is a perspective that takes hip-hop consumers and the way they give meaning to hip-hop as a musical genre. The current in-depth interview study (N = 20) aimed to understand how hip-hop listeners came to give meaning to hip-hop music in their own words and from the perspective of their everyday lived experiences. Results outlined four themes that are relevant in the meanings constructed around hip-hop music, 1) how listeners define hip-hop, 2) how they experience listening to hip-hop, 3) how hip-hop is used as a source in identity-formational practices, and 4) how listeners employed a societal perspective in evaluating hip-hop as a musical genre. As such, the current study provides a balanced empirical perspective on hip-hop music and sheds light on the meaningful role it has in the lives of its listeners.



嘻哈作为一种音乐流派,无论是在商业成功还是在全球影响力方面都是一种流行音乐流派,并且对于嘻哈的起源、创作、影响和用途有各种各样的学术研究。尚未得到充分研究但从根本上来说很重要的是一种看待嘻哈消费者的视角以及他们赋予嘻哈作为一种音乐流派意义的方式。当前的深度访谈研究(N = 20)旨在了解嘻哈听众如何从他们的日常生活经历的角度用自己的语言赋予嘻哈音乐意义。结果概述了与围绕嘻哈音乐构建的含义相关的四个主题:1)听众如何定义嘻哈音乐,2)他们如何体验聆听嘻哈音乐,3)如何将嘻哈音乐用作身份来源-形成实践,以及4)听众如何运用社会视角来评估嘻哈作为一种音乐流派。因此,当前的研究为嘻哈音乐提供了平衡的实证视角,并阐明了它在听众生活中的有意义的作用。