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Genome-wide analyses reveal a potential role for the MAPT, MOBP, and APOE loci in sporadic frontotemporal dementia
American Journal of Human Genetics ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2024.05.017
Claudia Manzoni 1 , Demis A Kia 2 , Raffaele Ferrari 2 , Ganna Leonenko 3 , Beatrice Costa 2 , Valentina Saba 4 , Edwin Jabbari 2 , Manuela Mx Tan 5 , Diego Albani 6 , Victoria Alvarez 7 , Ignacio Alvarez 8 , Ole A Andreassen 9 , Antonella Angiolillo 10 , Andrea Arighi 11 , Matt Baker 12 , Luisa Benussi 13 , Valentina Bessi 14 , Giuliano Binetti 15 , Daniel J Blackburn 16 , Merce Boada 17 , Bradley F Boeve 18 , Sergi Borrego-Ecija 19 , Barbara Borroni 20 , Geir Bråthen 21 , William S Brooks 22 , Amalia C Bruni 23 , Paola Caroppo 24 , Sara Bandres-Ciga 25 , Jordi Clarimon 26 , Rosanna Colao 23 , Carlos Cruchaga 27 , Adrian Danek 28 , Sterre Cm de Boer 29 , Itziar de Rojas 17 , Alfonso di Costanzo 10 , Dennis W Dickson 12 , Janine Diehl-Schmid 30 , Carol Dobson-Stone 31 , Oriol Dols-Icardo 32 , Aldo Donizetti 33 , Elise Dopper 34 , Elisabetta Durante 35 , Camilla Ferrari 14 , Gianluigi Forloni 6 , Francesca Frangipane 23 , Laura Fratiglioni 36 , Milica G Kramberger 37 , Daniela Galimberti 38 , Maurizio Gallucci 39 , Pablo García-González 17 , Roberta Ghidoni 13 , Giorgio Giaccone 24 , Caroline Graff 40 , Neill R Graff-Radford 41 , Jordan Grafman 42 , Glenda M Halliday 31 , Dena G Hernandez 43 , Lena E Hjermind 44 , John R Hodges 45 , Guy Holloway 46 , Edward D Huey 47 , Ignacio Illán-Gala 32 , Keith A Josephs 18 , David S Knopman 18 , Mark Kristiansen 48 , John B Kwok 31 , Isabelle Leber 49 , Hampton L Leonard 50 , Ilenia Libri 20 , Alberto Lleo 32 , Ian R Mackenzie 51 , Gaganjit K Madhan 48 , Raffaele Maletta 23 , Marta Marquié 17 , Ales Maver 52 , Manuel Menendez-Gonzalez 53 , Graziella Milan 54 , Bruce L Miller 55 , Christopher M Morris 56 , Huw R Morris 2 , Benedetta Nacmias 57 , Judith Newton 46 , Jørgen E Nielsen 44 , Christer Nilsson 58 , Valeria Novelli 59 , Alessandro Padovani 20 , Suvankar Pal 46 , Florence Pasquier 60 , Pau Pastor 61 , Robert Perneczky 62 , Borut Peterlin 52 , Ronald C Petersen 18 , Olivier Piguet 63 , Yolande Al Pijnenburg 64 , Annibale A Puca 65 , Rosa Rademakers 66 , Innocenzo Rainero 67 , Lianne M Reus 68 , Anna Mt Richardson 69 , Matthias Riemenschneider 70 , Ekaterina Rogaeva 71 , Boris Rogelj 72 , Sara Rollinson 73 , Howard Rosen 74 , Giacomina Rossi 24 , James B Rowe 75 , Elisa Rubino 67 , Agustin Ruiz 17 , Erika Salvi 76 , Raquel Sanchez-Valle 19 , Sigrid Botne Sando 21 , Alexander F Santillo 77 , Jennifer A Saxon 69 , Johannes Cm Schlachetzki 78 , Sonja W Scholz 79 , Harro Seelaar 34 , William W Seeley 74 , Maria Serpente 11 , Sandro Sorbi 57 , Sabrina Sordon 70 , Peter St George-Hyslop 80 , Jennifer C Thompson 81 , Christine Van Broeckhoven 82 , Vivianna M Van Deerlin 83 , Sven J Van der Lee 84 , John Van Swieten 34 , Fabrizio Tagliavini 24 , Julie van der Zee 82 , Arianna Veronesi 35 , Emilia Vitale 85 , Maria Landqvist Waldo 86 , Jennifer S Yokoyama 87 , Mike A Nalls 88 , Parastoo Momeni 89 , Andrew B Singleton 90 , John Hardy 91 , Valentina Escott-Price 3

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the second most common cause of early-onset dementia after Alzheimer disease (AD). Efforts in the field mainly focus on familial forms of disease (fFTDs), while studies of the genetic etiology of sporadic FTD (sFTD) have been less common. In the current work, we analyzed 4,685 sFTD cases and 15,308 controls looking for common genetic determinants for sFTD. We found a cluster of variants at the (rs199443; = 2.5 × 10, OR = 1.27) and (rs6857; = 1.31 × 10, OR = 1.27) loci and a candidate locus on chromosome 3 (rs1009966; = 2.41 × 10, OR = 1.16) in the intergenic region between and , contributing to increased risk for sFTD through effects on expression and/or splicing in brain cortex of functionally relevant in- genes at the and - loci. The association with the (H1c clade) and - loci may suggest common genetic pleiotropy across FTD and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) ( and - loci) and across FTD, AD, Parkinson disease (PD), and cortico-basal degeneration (CBD) ( locus). Our data also suggest population specificity of the risk signals, with and loci associations mainly driven by Central/Nordic and Mediterranean Europeans, respectively. This study lays the foundations for future work aimed at further characterizing population-specific features of potential FTD-discriminant haplotype(s) and the functional involvement and contribution of the haplotype and - loci to pathogenesis of sporadic forms of FTD in brain cortex.


全基因组分析揭示了 MAPT、MOBP 和 APOE 位点在散发性额颞叶痴呆中的潜在作用

额颞叶痴呆(FTD)是继阿尔茨海默病(AD)之后早发性痴呆的第二常见原因。该领域的工作主要集中在家族形式疾病(fFTD)上,而对散发性 FTD(sFTD)的遗传病因学的研究则不太常见。在当前的工作中,我们分析了 4,685 例 sFTD 病例和 15,308 例对照,寻找 sFTD 的常见遗传决定因素。我们在 (rs199443; = 2.5 × 10, OR = 1.27) 和 (rs6857; = 1.31 × 10, OR = 1.27) 位点处发现了一组变异,并且在 3 号染色体上发现了一个候选位点 (rs1009966; = 2.41 × 10, OR = 1.16) 在 和 之间的基因间区域,通过影响 和 - 基因座上功能相关的 in- 基因在大脑皮层中的表达和/或剪接,导致 sFTD 风险增加。与 (H1c 分支) 和 - 基因座的关联可能表明 FTD 和进行性核上性麻痹 (PSP)(和 - 基因座)以及 FTD、AD、帕金森病 (PD) 和皮质基底节变性 (CBD) 之间存在共同的遗传多效性(轨迹)。我们的数据还表明风险信号的人群特异性,以及基因座关联分别主要由中欧/北欧和地中海欧洲人驱动。这项研究为未来的工作奠定了基础,旨在进一步表征潜在 FTD 判别单倍型的人群特异性特征,以及单倍型和基因座对大脑皮层散发形式 FTD 发病机制的功能参与和贡献。