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Origin of discordant U[sbnd]Pb dates in non-metamict zircons in intrusives deformed at granulite facies: Grain scale processes, and relevance to Cambrian orogeny, Eastern Ghats Belt, India
Chemical Geology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122246
Anwesa Banerjee , Sandra Piazolo , Nathan Cognè , Abhijit Bhattacharya , N. Prabhakar

Interpreting the origin of UPb discordance in zircons in intrusives that experience high metamorphic-deformation events is challenging. We investigate in depth the origin of UPb dates obtained from garnet-bearing border zone granitoids and a sheared ferrodiorite dyke bordering the Balangir anorthosite pluton, eastern India. The crustal domain is known for discordant ages resulting in disputes regarding the age of intrusion and multiple granulite facies events. We shed light on the origin of the discordant dates utilizing CL imaging, electron backscatter diffraction analysis, trace element mapping in zircons, and Ti-in-zircon thermometry.


麻粒岩相侵入岩中非变晶锆石不一致 U[sbnd]Pb 年代的起源:颗粒尺度过程,以及与印度东高止山脉寒武纪造山运动的相关性

解释经历高变质变形事件的侵入岩中锆石 UPb 不一致的起源具有挑战性。我们深入研究了从含石榴石边界带花岗岩和与印度东部巴朗吉尔斜长岩岩体接壤的剪切铁闪长岩岩脉中获得的 UPb 年代的起源。地壳域因年龄不一致而闻名,导致有关侵入年龄和多个麻粒岩相事件的争议。我们利用化学发光成像、电子背散射衍射分析、锆石中的微量元素测绘以及锆石中钛测温法揭示了不一致日期的起源。