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Effect of citizenship status on access to pediatric liver and kidney transplantation
American Journal of Transplantation ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajt.2024.06.008
Donna C Koo 1 , P Nina Scalise 1 , Megan Z Chiu 1 , Steven J Staffa 2 , Farokh R Demehri 1 , Alex G Cuenca 3 , Heung Bae Kim 3 , Eliza J Lee 3

Transplantation of non-US citizen residents remains controversial. We evaluate national trends in transplant activity among pediatric noncitizen residents (PNCR). Pediatric liver and kidney transplant data were obtained from the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network and the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients. Data on transplanted organs, region, waitlist additions, procedures, and citizenship status were analyzed from 2012-2022. Rates of PNCR transplantation activity were compared with population rates from the US Census Bureau. On average, 713 ± 47 pediatric liver and 1039 ± 51 kidney patients were added to the waitlist, with 544 ± 32 liver and 742 ± 33 kidney transplants performed annually. Of these, PNCR comprised 1.5% and 3.3% of liver and kidney waitlist additions and 1.5% and 2.9% of liver and kidney transplant procedures, respectively. There were no significant changes in waitlist or transplant activity nationwide over the study period. There was a significant geographic variation in the percentage of waitlist additions and transplants across the United Network for Organ Sharing regions among the PNCR for liver and kidney transplantation. This is the first study to evaluate national trends in transplantation activity among PNCRs. The significant regional variation in transplantation activity for PNCR may suggest multilevel structural and systemic barriers to transplant accessibility.



非美国公民居民的移植仍然存在争议。我们评估儿童非公民居民 (PNCR) 移植活动的全国趋势。儿科肝脏和肾脏移植数据来自器官采购和移植网络以及移植受者科学登记处。分析了 2012 年至 2022 年有关移植器官、地区、候补名单添加、程序和公民身份的数据。将 PNCR 移植活动率与美国人口普查局的人口率进行比较。平均每年有 713 ± 47 名儿童肝脏和 1039 ± 51 名肾脏患者被添加到候补名单中,每年进行 544 ± 32 例肝脏移植和 742 ± 33 例肾脏移植。其中,PNCR 分别占肝脏和肾脏候补名单的 1.5% 和 3.3%,以及肝脏和肾脏移植手术的 1.5% 和 2.9%。在研究期间,全国范围内的候补名单或移植活动没有显着变化。在 PNCR 的肝脏和肾脏移植联合器官共享网络区域中,等候名单添加和移植的百分比存在显着的地理差异。这是第一项评估全国 PNCR 移植活动趋势的研究。 PNCR 移植活动的显着区域差异可能表明移植可及性存在多层次的结构性和系统性障碍。