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Hospital admissions and community health service contacts for mental illness following self-reported child maltreatment: Results from the Childhood Adversity and Lifetime Morbidity (CALM) study
Child Abuse & Neglect ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106912
Mike Trott 1 , Claudia Bull 2 , Jake Moses Najman 3 , Urska Arnautovska 1 , Dan Siskind 1 , Nicola Warren 1 , Steve Kisely 4

Child maltreatment (CM) includes neglect, and several types of abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual. CM has been associated with a wide range of mental illnesses. Literature examining these illnesses in mid-life is scarce, and the impact of these illnesses on mental health service use is currently unknown. To examine associations between self-reported CM and subsequent hospital admissions for mental illnesses, and/or community mental health service contacts. Birth cohort study data linked to administrative health data, including hospital admissions and community mental health service contacts, up to the age of 40. Associations between hospital admissions for mental health and community mental health contacts and CM subtypes (neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse) were examined using multivariate logistic regression. Adjusted analyses showed that all subtypes of CM were significantly ( < 0.05) associated with admissions to hospital for any type of mental illness (aOR range 1.87–3.61), non-psychotic mental disorders (aOR range 1.98–3.61), alcohol and/or substance use (aOR range 2.83–5.43), and community mental health service contacts (aOR range 2.44–3.13). Hospital admissions for psychotic mental disorders were significantly associated with physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse (aOR range 2.14–3.93). The results of this study confirm the current knowledge around CM and subsequent mental health illnesses up to the age of 40, and extend this knowledge to hospital and mental health service use.


自我报告的虐待儿童后因精神疾病入院和社区卫生服务联系:童年逆境和终生发病率 (CALM) 研究的结果

虐待儿童 (CM) 包括忽视和多种类型的虐待,包括身体虐待、情感虐待和性虐待。 CM 与多种精神疾病有关。研究这些中年疾病的文献很少,而且这些疾病对心理健康服务使用的影响目前尚不清楚。检查自我报告的 CM 与随后因精神疾病入院和/或社区精神卫生服务接触之间的关联。出生队列研究数据与行政健康数据相关,包括 40 岁以下的住院和社区心理健康服务接触者。因心理健康入院和社区心理健康接触者与 CM 亚型(忽视、身体虐待、情感虐待)之间的关联和性虐待)使用多元逻辑回归进行检查。调整后的分析显示,CM 的所有亚型均与因任何类型的精神疾病(aOR 范围 1.87-3.61)、非精神病性精神障碍(aOR 范围 1.98-3.61)、酒精和/或酒精入院显着相关(< 0.05)。物质使用(aOR 范围 2.83–5.43)和社区精神卫生服务接触(aOR 范围 2.44–3.13)。精神病性精神障碍入院与身体虐待、情感虐待和性虐待显着相关(aOR 范围 2.14-3.93)。这项研究的结果证实了目前关于 CM 和随后的 40 岁以下心理健康疾病的知识,并将这些知识扩展到医院和心理健康服务中。