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Bifunctional sulfur-doped biochar for efficient removal of tetracycline and resistant bacteria via adsorption and peroxydisulfate activation
Separation and Purification Technology ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2024.128728
Lin Wang , Yonglin Zhao , Miaomiao Sun , Yueping Zheng , Hanrong Fan , Shaolong Wang , Chengyan Jiang

Sulfur-doped biochar (SBC) was prepared for the efficient removal of tetracycline (TC) and TC-resistant bacteria via the dual functions of adsorption and peroxydisulfate (PDS) activation. One of the prepared SBC/PDS systems was found to remove 93.89 % of TC with 3.11 times the removal efficiency of the system without sulfur doping (i.e., BC/PDS). The SBC/PDS system inactivated approximately 105 CFU/mL of the TC-resistant bacterium Escherichia coli within 90 min, corresponding to 1.14 times the inactivation efficiency of the BC/PDS system. The introduction of sulfur improved the adsorption rate by 3.09 times, likely due to pore filling and hydrogen bonding. The PDS activation of the SBC/PDS system primarily removed TC and E. coli through nonradical oxidation dominated by 1O2 generation, and the main active sites were vacancy defects. TC adsorption may be the key step for determining the reaction rate of nonradical oxidation. A high correlation (R2 = 0.98) was observed between the adsorption capacity and degradation rate constant of different activator systems, which indicated a synergistic effect between the adsorption and oxidation of TC. This study provides a theoretical basis for the development of advanced oxidation processes utilizing bifunctional materials with a nonradical oxidation pathway for the removal of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.



制备硫掺杂生物炭 (SBC),通过吸附和过氧化二硫酸盐 (PDS) 活化的双重功能,有效去除四环素 (TC) 和 TC 耐药细菌。发现其中一种制备的 SBC/PDS 系统可去除 93.89% 的 TC,去除效率是未掺杂硫(即 BC/PDS)系统的 3.11 倍。SBC/PDS 系统在 90 分钟内灭活了大约 105 CFU/mL 的 TC 耐药细菌大肠杆菌,相当于 BC/PDS 系统的灭活效率的 1.14 倍。硫磺的引入使吸附速率提高了 3.09 倍,这可能是由于孔隙填充和氢键作用。SBC/PDS 系统的 PDS 活化主要通过以 1O2 生成为主的非自由基氧化去除 TC 和大肠杆菌,主要活性位点为空位缺陷。TC 吸附可能是确定非自由基氧化反应速率的关键步骤。观察到不同活化剂体系的吸附容量和降解速率常数之间存在高度相关性 (R2 = 0.98),这表明 TC 的吸附和氧化之间存在协同作用。本研究为开发利用具有非自由基氧化途径的双功能材料去除抗生素和抗生素耐药细菌的高级氧化过程提供了理论基础。