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Active shortening and aseismic slip along the Cephalonia Plate Boundary (Paliki Peninsula, Greece): Evidence from InSAR and GNSS data
Tectonophysics ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230400
Varvara Tsironi , Athanassios Ganas , Sotirios Valkaniotis , Vasiliki Kouskouna , Efthimios Sokos , Ioannis Koukouvelas

We present a comprehensive analysis of geodetic data, including InSAR and GNSS, to assess the interseismic deformation of the Paliki peninsula in western Cephalonia, Greece. The region is prone to frequent earthquakes, due to its proximity to the Cephalonia Transform Fault (CTF), a 140 km long dextral strike-slip fault (striking NNE-SSW) that accommodates the relative motion between the Apulian and Aegean lithospheric plates. Our analysis covers the period from 2016 to 2022 and leverages LiCSBAS, an open-source package, for InSAR time series analysis with the N-SBAS method. The results of the InSAR analysis demonstrate deformation rates between 2 and 5 mm/yr in the line-of-sight (LOS) direction of the satellite. We constructed -W velocity profiles that provided a velocity gradient terminating against the outcropping trace of the seismic fault of the 3 February 2014 earthquake (M6.1) near Atheras. This geodetic evidence indicates a ∼ 1 mm/yr minimum aseismic slip (fault creep) motion along the February 2014 seismic fault, during 2016–2022. Positive LOS values in both satellite imaging geometries show that the coastal town of Lixouri experiences uplift of 1 mm/yr. East-West velocity cross-sections across western Cephalonia including Gulf of Argostoli reveal several velocity discontinuities, possibly bounded by active faults and/or landslides. The -W shortening rate between Lixouri and Argostoli areas amounts to 1.5 mm/yr corresponding to −187 ns/yr (nanostrain/yr) of tectonic strain. Our results suggest a complex deformation pattern on the Paliki peninsula with strain accumulation along strike-slip and reverse-slip faults. We also inverted GNSS velocities from Italy and Greece, across the Cephalonia segment of CTF (assuming elastic half-space) and obtained a locking depth of 13 km, and a slip rate of 17.3 ± 0.8 mm/yr.


凯法利尼亚板块边界(希腊帕利基半岛)的主动缩短和地震滑动:来自 InSAR 和 GNSS 数据的证据

我们对大地测量数据(包括 InSAR 和 GNSS)进行了全面分析,以评估希腊凯法利尼亚岛西部帕利基半岛的震间变形。该地区容易发生频繁的地震,因为它靠近凯法利尼亚转换断层 (CTF),这是一个 140 公里长的右旋走滑断层(走向 NNE-SSW),适应阿普利亚和爱琴海岩石圈板块之间的相对运动。我们的分析涵盖 2016 年至 2022 年期间,并利用开源软件包 LiCSBAS 通过 N-SBAS 方法进行 InSAR 时间序列分析。 InSAR 分析结果表明,卫星视线 (LOS) 方向的变形率在 2 至 5 毫米/年之间。我们构建了 -W 速度剖面,提供了终止于 2014 年 2 月 3 日阿瑟拉斯附近地震 (M6.1) 地震断层露头轨迹的速度梯度。这一大地测量证据表明,2016 年至 2022 年期间,沿 2014 年 2 月地震断层的地震滑移(断层蠕变)最小为每年约 1 毫米。两个卫星成像几何图形中的正 LOS 值表明,沿海城镇利科苏里每年发生 1 毫米的抬升。包括阿尔戈斯托利湾在内的凯法利尼亚岛西部的东西向速度剖面揭示了几个速度不连续性,可能以活动断层和/或滑坡为界。 Lixouri 和 Argostoli 区域之间的 -W 缩短率为 1.5 毫米/年,相当于 -187 纳秒/年(纳米应变/年)的构造应变。我们的结果表明帕利基半岛存在复杂的变形模式,应变沿着走滑和逆滑断层积累。 我们还反演了来自意大利和希腊的 GNSS 速度,穿过 CTF 的凯法利尼亚岛段(假设弹性半空间),并获得了 13 公里的锁定深度和 17.3 ± 0.8 毫米/年的滑移率。